Harder than he thought (klaine)

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As blaine anderson walked through the halls of McKinley high his heart starts to race because everyone is staring at him. You see blaine anderson is gay, he likes boys but because he was beaten up in his last school by homophobes he has decided that in this school he wasn't going to tell anyone.

Blaine quickly looks down at his schedule and sees that he has music first yay. Blaine loves music, when he is older he wants to become a singer.

As the bell rings he takes another look at his schedule again and looks around for the right class. After about five minutes a man walks past and asks if he is ok.

" um..do you know where room 2x16 is" blaine asks the short man.

" yeah walk up those stairs and turn left you can't miss it" he says pointing down the hall. Blaine thanks him and runs down the hallway and up the stairs until he reaches the class. He knocks gently and when he is asked to enter he does.

He walks over to the teacher and hand her the transfer slip, she signs it and introduces him to the class,

" everyone please welcome our new student Blaine Anderson" everyone waves at him and the teacher sends him to sit next to the most beautiful boy in the world. He has piercing blue eyes, perfectly pale skin, beautiful brown hair and a lean figure.

" hi i'm Kurt Hummel" the boy says in and angelic voice, the boy 'kurt' puts his hand out and blaine shakes it.

" blaine." Blaine replies even though the teacher just introduced him.

" ok kurt your turn to sing. What will you be singing" the teacher says.

" i'm gonna be singing blackbird by the beatles" the teacher nods and presses play on the cd player.

After kurt has finished everyone had tears in their eyes and blaine knew he had a serious problem, kurt was perfect and blaine had no doubt he was going to fall for this angel.

Kurt came and sat down next to blaine again.

" i know what it's like to be new, i transferred from dalton in sophomore year , so do you want to join me for lunch today" kurt asks and blaine nods happily.

After a few days of the two getting to know each other blaine had to admit that he was head over heels for his now beat friend, kurt was the definition of perfect but Blaine doesn't even know if kurt is gay. When they enter music on Friday morning blaine is itching to ask and find out. They walk over to their seats and wait for the teacher to arrive.

" hello class i'm mrs holiday and since your regular teacher is ill i will be taking over and for today just talk quietly amongst yourselves." This is the perfect time to find out, blaine thinks.

" so..um..kurt..please don't get offended by this but are you gay?" Blaine asks stuttering like an idiot. Kurt sighs and takes a few seconds to answer,

" yes isn't it obvious" kurt says laughing, blaine shrugs. For the rest of the lesson they just talk about broadway and other stuff.

" kurt can you come with me for a second" blaine asks and kurt nods since they now have a free period,blaine drags kurt to the auditorium and stands in the centre of the stage.

" um...kurt i have to tell you something" blaine says looking at his feet.

" um..i like you" he says after a few seconds.

" i like you too blaine your an amazing friend" kurt answers obvious to what blaine really meant.

" no kurt i mean i like you as more than a friend, and yeah i'm gay i like boys blah blah blah" blaine reiterates.

" thank god, i like you as more than a friend too but i thought you were straight so i didn't say anything" kurt says with a sigh of relief. Blaine laughs and pulls kurt's body towards his.

" so we both like each other what does that mean for us" blaine says hopefully.

" boyfriend?" Kurt asks
"Boyfriends...but kurt i'm scared to come out,the reason I transferred was i had the living crap beaten out of me at westerville high and that was all because i'm gay" blaine says shamefully.

" well we can keep it a secret until you are ready" kurt says, blaine looks at him and smiles before nodding and leaning in to kiss his now boyfriend.

" you're the best and i'm the luckiest guy in the world" blaine mutters against kurt's lips, kurt smiles and pulls Blaine's body impossibly closer to his.

Kurt pulls away and they lay on the stage looking up at the ceiling, after a few seconds kurt says " yeah pretty much" before pecking blaine on the lips and snuggling into his side

Klaine/CrissColfer one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now