Q&A #1

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1. "When did you start making fanfiction and how do you get your ideas for your books they're really good I'm a fan."-sailorkity314

Well first off thank you very much! I'm glad you like them and are a fan. I'm so glad that my stories can touch so many people! The first part of that as far as when did I first start making fanfiction depends on how you define "making". I used to pretend as a child and would make up having tea parties or adventures with Disney princesses or something and it did to a certain point have a over arching story, this all happened around six or so. I didn't discover actual fanfiction till about sixth or seventh grade (so around twelve or thirteen) and would continue the stories I had seen in my head, but it wasn't till eighth grade, at fourteen where I was going through a very hard time, between being bullied horribly, mental and physical problems and so it became kind of a form of escapism, and has been since then, I am now twenty five. As far as where I get the ideas, it depends on which story in particular you're talking about. Many come from my lovely fiancee, which is why I sometimes call my love 'my muse'.

2.  What would you do if you had the chance to publish one of your books? Which one would you want to publish most? -Calintha

That is a hard one. Like a really hard one, well the second part is. The first one is pretty easy, as long as I was careful to read the agreement to make sure that the story would still be mine, that I wouldn't give up rights to it or the characters and if anything like if they might put a clause saying that I can't publish for anyone else, or anything else. I'm a bit paranoid. For the second part it is hard to say. So I will only count the stories that I have at least posted one chapter, not ones planned; I won't count my fanfiction since they aren't really mine, as far as the characters. I think that I would love to be able to post a reader-insert and would be hard pressed between Eternally Yours, Sands of Time, and though it is still early and not a reader insert The Failed Assassin. I think if I had to pick one I'd say right this second I'd say Sands of Time. Ask me again in a week and I'll probably answer different.
























If there is more I'll make a second Q&A chapter

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