Can We Keep Him?

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"Name stay behind me!" I growled out my arm shooting out to push her behind me, my other one grabbing Mordera and holding it in front of my to the Beastly, the name we had given the species of animal that had attacked us and gorged my shoulder, even if we were able to get spare parts by some of the humans who had flown back to Earth before coming to this new planet of Elysium which is now our home and my shoulder was good as new but the color didn't match my skin so it was a few shades lighter along my shoulder, but that meant Name no longer was scared she hurt me so would cling onto my shoulders with all her strength which made it more then worth it.

I knew exactly where to attack, their head were the weakest, not just anywhere but in the face. Perfect for the club part of my weapon. I got her down and hit it down getting it in the neck with the blade part of Mordera into the neck where the nervous system set and would be dead in a few seconds.

When I turned to check on Name she was not there. "Name?!" I called looking around, they were very solitary animals we never even saw two adult animals together at the same time not fighting if not mating season but that wouldn't last even to the point the small ones were born. But there was still so much we didn't know so I couldn't discount the possibility. 

"Over here Asim!" She called and I rushed over and saw two little ones, they were hairless and small. I gasped pulling her to my chest and raising Mordera but she was suddenly holding my wrist tugging on it. "No! They are babies!" She screamed and I looked at her shocked.

"Name, they may be babies but in a few months they will be full grown and-"

"" She whispered looking up at me with those eyes of hers. Those serious eyes, the (eye color) orbs that saw things that I didn't, couldn't, see.

"Name I..."

"At least we can study them, we can lock them in a place made of goop or let them go in the wild." She whispered looking up at me and I sighed, how could I say no to her? But maybe...we can see if they can be tamed, and...if I can get them to protect her? Worth a try at least, but I will be with her the entire time to make sure that she was safe.

In the end there was no way to know if they were boys or girls or even if they had genders like that. So Name picked names that would be gender neutral, Snowflake and Frost after the snowy colored hair.  The snow here was a light blue but the one and a half days it was snowing. 

They grew fast but did take care of her. It was a long time but I ended up with Frost liking me and being a great hunter with me, Frost was able to get the little crustration from the ocean that Name loved so much and the little hand sized fluffs that traveled in packs that were delicious. Snowflake was almost as protective as Name as me. I wonder why they acted; if it was just the two or if it was just these two.

Either way I did like these two 'pets' and stroked Frost's fur as it made a gruttle purr sound. Name was riding Snowflake nearby to climb up trees and collect fruit.

Here you guys go. I wasn't planning this but I kind of liked doing a quick drabble. It's a small drabble but I hope you like it.

AssassinPsyche's Drabble Book; Mythological Hearts UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now