Secrets of My Books

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This will be a set of secrets, or things that I can't exactly put in my books without feeling weird but can't put it into my drabbles because it isn't long enough to even be a drabble. So I call them 'secrets'.

Secret #1: All of my original books take place in the same universe. Only the ones that are reader inserts. They are part of a extended universe along with stories by Calintha. I suggest you check out her stuff, they are really good.

Secret #2: Klaus from my story The Line is an ancestor to Viktor from my story Between the Stars

Secret #3: Jason and Lily from my story Eternally Yours technically aren't siblings though they are twins. (good luck figuring that one out)

Secret #4: Between the Stars was hard to write because I wanted the world to feel important and organic but after a while had to stop mentioning it because eventually it would just be normal.

Secret #5: While I don't just make someone a character in my story a lot of characters are inspired by a part of someone I know

Secret #6: Despite knowing from the start that Alessondro was going to be in the mafia I made sure he was an 'old school' mafia man where they held some honor. He doesn't do sex trafficking or anything like that.

Secret #7: Up until the second to last chapter of The Line I was planning for Alessondro to end up with the reader but it turned to be the alternative ending.

Secret #8: 18% of people in this universe are a direct descendant of Kohmus from the story Sands of Time.

Secret #9: Kohmus, from my story Sands of Time, is a descendant of the species that is in my story Sunrays and Moonbeams

Secret #10: Easton has been planned to be both an innocent little sweetheart or a manipulative mastermind. Which he is depends on how the reader will view it.

More to be added later

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