Bio; James

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Name: James

Gender: Male

Species: Alien

Job: Before the destruction of his planet he was a hunter, after the destruction the job of leader is pretty much thrust on him.

Eye color: his eyes are not like a humans eyes, he has no iris. His entire iris is black with a few blotches of blue from light blue almost white to a dark blue almost blending with the black main part. This will change over time over hours where the colors are in his eyes. The pupil is the only difference in eye color for his species; they can be anywhere from blue to purple to yellow to white to red to even fully black. There is green every once in a while but that is extremly rare. James's are a magenta purple-pink color.

Hair: Like sunrays. His hair is a base of white yellow with gold shining from within his hair making it a light halo, and there are orange highlights and the tips of his hair is bright white. His hair is silky straight reaching just shy of his shoulders and hangs in his face framing it.

Family: His mother, father, and three little sisters all died in the destruction of his world. His little sisters were 4, 8, and 11. He adopts a newborn baby-only 18 days old-who is his son.

Age: 21

Sexuality: His species has no ability to love or even want anyone but their mate. To them cheating doesn't exist. They lack the ability to love or want anyone but their chosen one. There is no rejection, no cheating, no heartbreak.

Personality: James is a sweetheart and very soft. But his other split personality, Konrad is different. Both care but while James will be gentle with someone Konrad is more forceful.

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