Introducing; Klaus

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"Oh no, not another one!" Lily groaned looking at Klaus who gave her a wink and pushed some of his hair back.

"Another one who wants our Name." Jason glared and Asim froze up and stood straight.

"Wants Name? He wants my sweetheart?" He panted out his hands squeezing into fists.

"Don't feel bad guys, she will be happy with me. I am adored by all and she is the best, only the best deserves the best." He chuckled and all reacted, Lily cringed, Jason glared and Asim shook his head.

"As if a angel like Name would be interested in such an egotistical jerk!" Lily yelled out shaking her head.

"You're not good enough for her. None of you are." Klaus shook his head, "I am the only one good enough for her."

"So good that she got engaged to someone else, that she left because of you on what you have said." Jason said and Asim shook his head.

"He did something like that? How dare he!" Asim, if he wasn't already angry, he sure was now. "The one thing I have in common with these doppelgangers, and I can appreciate it of them; they'd never hurt beloved Name."

"Yes, I can agree with that." Lily agreed, "she is a sweetheart, and to hurt her, even if you could be good enough for her at all to hurt her like that makes you horrid!"

"Agreed sister, truce?" Jason offered his hand to Asim who after looking for a moment did shake it.

"To protect Name? Agreed."

AssassinPsyche's Drabble Book; Mythological Hearts UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now