Happy Holidays

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The fairy lights are out in whites,greens and reds, a huge pine tree was sitting in the corner. Therewere more seating in the living room than had ever been seen. Thecouch, love seat and one comfy chair was not nearly enough to holdeveryone. Jason and James had helped carry up another couch, this oneL shaped, while Easton and Median moved the couch, love seat andcomfy chair so the L shaped couch could be pressed against themmaking a U shape around the coffee table. The TV had been moved awayand now the entire living room had just the seating and the largetree.

The tree had been decorated and now wasjust to enjoy dinner and a nice time with everyone. In the smallkitchen was Isabella, Kohmus, and Easton while everyone else was inthe living room. They had been offered to have help but the fact wasthat the kitchen was too small that anyone else would be a hindrance,Kohmus in there was a hindrance but he just stayed out of the way andhelp by wiping up counter tops, and putting things away or takingthem down for the two who were cooking.

Easton loved to bake, still having hisdream of his own bakery, while Isabella tended to like making moresavory food. Still, though cooking and baking are two very differentthings, but both had a good handle on both kinds.

They had to feed eighteen grown adultsand eight children. On the L couch the only people were seated wasAshe and his love, Kristen, was sitting, the three in the kitchenwould be sitting on the L couch when they returned, on the love seatwas not just Klaus and Amanda but also James who was sitting withBetty on his lap. Klaus had one arm wrapped around Amanda while theother hand was keeping Theodore balanced as he cooed on his lap.Klaus still didn't know what it was about him that had James-orsometimes he was named Konrad which made nosense to most of them but he was family, they just grinned with it.Still for some reason he was one of the easiest to let Theodore withhim, he got used to everyone else but it took some time. Amanda wassitting with Monica in her lap and the toddler was in awe over thehatchling.

On the couchsquished together was Jason and Lily sitting on either side ofCourtney while Asim and Catherine sat on the other side of Jason.Median and Grace had claimed the comfortable chair, Median being backin his human form, though he wanted to be in his gorgon form hedidn't want to take the chance. It was too much of a chance, even ifhe would love to wrap his tail around Grace he instead wrappedhimself around her like a human snake. Besides, this means his snakeswould not bother her, and take her attention.

Around the coffeetable were pillows where all the children-with the exception ofMonica and Theodore as they were still too young to be with the rowdyseven kids since they were so excited to see so many family members.Median and Grace's son was talking to Ashe and Kristen's daughter,between her curiosity of his tail and his curiosity how she couldshift her features between her parents, having those dark eyes of herfather to her mother's eyes, from his nose to hers and so forth. Thetwins born from the elf twins, Phoebes and Luna were busy talking toher younger brother. Violet was the oldest and having fun talking toRae and their boyfriend who were both happily talking to the adultsfeeling very grown up and mature as they told her everything andloved hearing about her garden in the palace.

There were notenough space for all the adults to sit up but the two had no problemsitting on the pillows like the children were. It was a cozy scene,the only problem was Ashe a bit worried with how the snake boy wastalking to his little girl. No one could hear her whisper everyonewas talking happily, loud enough that those in the kitchen could hearwhat was being said and talked back as well so they were included.

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