Bio; Jason and Lily

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Name: Jason

Gender: Male

Species: Elf

Job: King of the Five Kingdoms

Eye color: Indigo (more blue then purple)

Hair: platinum being to somewhere between past his shoulders to the tip of his angel wings

Family: Lily (older twin sister) Mother and Father are both deceased.

Age: Born around 3,000 BCE, still is about 25 physically

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Jason, despite being the younger sibling, is the more mature and responsible of the twins. He and Lily are very close, they are willing to share their lover. They have a mate that they know is meant for them. Jason will be the one who will be careful not to push to far and holds back his emotions. That doesn't mean that he is cold, he is very warm and caring to almost everyone and especially those who get close to him. He's the kind who will have a small group of close friends. He will also never push looking for boundaries, so will only try things either his mate did already, said was okay or something Lily already tried.

Name: Lily

Gender: Female

Species: Elf

Job: Queen of the Five Kingdoms

Eyes: Indigo (more purple the blue)

Hair: Platinum, anywhere between middle of her back to her knees, usually about waist length.

Family: Jason (younger twin brother) Mother and Father both are both deceased.

Age: Born around 3,000 BCE, still is about 25 physically.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: She is older then her brother by a few minutes and never will let him forget it, even though they were never one to fight each other. Despite being more impulsive and cheerful she was the one who would take the beatings other kids would do to them as children since they were bullied heavily. They were the lowest class in their society, before they became the rulers and abolished that. Many social climbing nobles thought she was an airhead learned their lesson, and it was one they wouldn't forget. She is very approachable and isn't as worried to push looking for the boundaries the mate of her brother and herself's mate.

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