Valentine's Day; Klaus

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Such a strange day, really. Klaus couldn't help think to himself, why girls got so hung up on this was beyond him. But fine. Let them have their little holiday.

It wasn't till Name was in his life he saw the appeal. A day to share and celebrate in their love, to remind them how lucky they were to find each other.

This holiday wasn't just about fanfare or the one day to say "I love you" it was a day devoted to the miracle it was to have someone you loved so completely.

It was a leap, to put yourself out there. To put your heart in someone else's hands with no guarentee that they wouldn't squash it right in front of you. But, like any leap of faith, what you got on that day was so much more then what you would lose if he face planted into the concrete.

He was no fool, the exact opposite being both academically and intuitively gifted and having devoted his life to adding to his natural gifts.

So how to proceed?

Ah, the age old question. Something special but not too much since everyone would be doing something special today., save the fancy restaurant, suit and tie for their anniversary.

Though seeing mein schatz (my sweetheart) all dolled up would be a true treat...

Verdamnit (God damn it) Klaus, focus!

Okay, fancy resturant is out. A picnic is way too passe. A proposal, while making her my wife is on my To Do List that would be too corny.

Just a day spent at home doing nothing but holding her while a nice thing normally would be such a slacker thing today.

It'd be so much easier at my home. Vienna was a place of cultur; art and music as well as entertainment. Fashion and food and plays and orchestra.

Name would love it.

That's it! What better way to spend Valentine's Day other then make it last a week instead of a day? To show my love my homeland.

This is perfect. Just like us.

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