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So Calintha did this for her boys and I really liked it so figured what the heck, I'd give it a try to. I introduce you to thoughts of any recurring characters of my books. If your curious about one I didn't mention go ahead and ask. I might add it on.

Eternally Yours:

Jason: Jason is inspired by my fiancee but also inspired by the idea of a caring royal. He is also kind of the fantasy crush I came up with as a child.

Lily: Lily and her twin are strongly inspired by my own love Rose. Not a carbon copy but there is inspiration in that. Which is why Lily is named after a flower. She is also inspired as an anti-Frye twins from Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Don't think I don't like that, it's one of my favorite games but I thought Evie and Jacob were too cliche in that way so went around.

Lawrence: Lawrence is actually the name of my own brother. The personality is much different being his whole thing was as I thought of as big brother. He was originally not even going to be mentioned beyond the first chapter but slowly he became more and more.

Between The Stars:

Asim: I didn't much care for Asim he's kind of boring but he got more interesting as time went on. Hehehe would say he's ended up one of my most popular boys. I think it was that he was almost perfect that it was almost like he barely even meets standards to be a yandere at first. He ended up being very much a yandere.

Viktor: one word; Frankenstein. His inspiration came from Victor Frankenstein.

The Line:

Gretchen: Gretchen was inspired by Hanesl and Gretel with a love of baking and such. I might put Gretchen in another story if I can. She is a very calming influence.

Flavia: Flavia was an interesting one to begin with. I planned for Reader to meet Alessondro in a normal place but ended up her being like a sister so she ended up being Alessondro's sister.

Alessondro: Alessondro is the opposite side of the coin to Klaus so much it wasn't till I started really thinking that I realized how much. As Klaus was never planned to win Alessondro was planned to. And as I progressed he went from unwillingly in the mob-he was planned to be mafia from the get go-to being a yandere who though the mafia bored him if it kept his love with him. He got darker and darker as the story went even if little ever got into the book itself. The most showed was his alternative ending. It basically was almost a Trapped ending. The Reader could only follow her dreams around what he wanted to do. But I don't think many people caught that.

Klaus: Klaus is an...interesting boy. He was arrogant, superficial borderline bully. I did like him from the start as he had a certain charisma about him. But as I wrote him, especially as he changed overtime maturing I started to like him more and more. His background started to make sense as I saw more then just a rival but someone who wanted everyone to strive to be their best. He ended as someone totally different then who he started as. I planned him to waste away losing the only one he could love to another, liked him too much to do that then wanted him to just die so he'd be at peace then liked him too much to kill him. He ended up winning me over till he got the girl and had a happily ever after. He is the most determined of my boys and he showed it being so determined he decided how his book ended. His design I actually have been playing around with for years; the auburn hair and green eyes look. I always had a thing for that style honestly. And also he is the only one of my boys in this series who is human.

Sands of Time:

Kohmus: Kohmus was inspired by a prompt someone sent me of a screen shot. The "the gods are cruel, you are reborn and I am this." Or something like that. It morphed into something from a simple sad almost bitter mummy boy into a devout family man. He is in a lot of ways that. Devout and family man. I don't even know where they came from. The devout from brainstorming with Calintha but the family man I'm not sure where that came from. His eyes were kinda inspired by Calintha's sunshine baby Median from Heart of Stone. I love snake boy. His story is also my fiancee's favorite of my original stories so he is my favorite because of that.

Achillas: The oldest child of any pharaoh wasn't easy. Being the oldest to one who loved family so well made it all the harder. His cousins and little siblings Achillas always felt responsible and so matured very fast. He didnt resent it but did wish he could be a kid for a bit. Still it prepared him and he was loyal to his kingdom, the good of his people his priority only coming in second to the safety of his family. The shadows move to protect him from the smallest thing.

Baufar: The second born, both son and child normally, being the second son his name starts with a B. Baufar is as much a family man as his father. Family is the most important thing to the entire family but even as a child Baufar couldn't wait to be old enough to marry his own love and have children. Give his parents grandchildren and his siblings have kids to. They'd be cousins as close as siblings. Shadows will move to his emotions or control the most.

Addaya: The older twin and still younger sister to her brothers her name starts with an A because she was the first girl born. She has a love of fashion: the cut, the colors, the soft fabric all of it. She was taught by higher powers how to do things. When making them she was the hardest to get a feel for. She is very good at shadow traveling.

Benerib: The younger twin of the twin girls and therefore youngest. She has psychic powers granted to her by Nyx and a love of stars. All four siblings have one thing strongest and for her it is seeing the future. I view her as the silent observer but still very mothering type.

Nerfert: Though Nerfert is a past life of the reader in Sands of Time she is a character in her own right. More will be explored about her and she will be have time in her story. Her name was inspired by Nerfreti.

Sunrays And Moonbeams:

James: James is an exciting yandere for me. While most of my yanderes are sweet ones-which they should be, as a yandere is someone driven crazy for love so there should be romance in that-James is a little more forceful. Not self sacrificing where he'd give up on pursuing his love even if she was happy with someone else. She is his.

Theodore: Theo is a cute lil baby he is James son and right now outside of of cooing can do little but I cant wait to show more. Even though James picked his name to mash up his parents Thomas and Dora I actually already knew his name would be Theodore and had to back track what his parents names could be.

Damien: I like Damien as kind of like an adviser to James and someone he can talk to. Damien is who I think of as a adviser and counsel and picked his name just because I like it.

Klarissa: Klarissa is the mate to Damien and the mother of Rosemary. She was only going to be there not one that he would really get to know but somehow she is acting more and more like a sister.

Rosemary: A cute lil girl I absolutely love. I can't wait to explore her a bit more. I have a love for the name Rose or anything holding the word since it is the name of my own love. She will play a pretty substantial part in one of the B plots but what it is I will keep secret for now.

Lenore: The lore keeper I loved the idea of her and she was needed with how they'd need to know. Even though James could have worked but I thought it'd be nicer if he wasn't in charge of knowing about earth. I feel bad for her mate dying. I actually picked the name Lenore since it had the word Lore in it. Just adding a en in the middle.

Thomas: Thomas is a big thing. He was the one who had given James his adopted son. It hasn't been stated but isn't really a spoiler that he had given Theodore to James.

Dora: I didn't get to explore her at all beyond the mentioning. But she is a very mothering kind woman.

The Sun In The Shadows

Easton: Easton is an interesting character. I can't go too in depth to save from spoilers. But what yandere I thought he'd be and what ending I planned for him to have are just totally different. I had the idea of a yandere psychic from the start and tie idea of the yandere being five steps ahead. He was supposed to be a cool calm collected but he turned out to be a peppy almost too sweet boy. And into guys. I was not planning that but it ended up as is. The one thing I knew is he'd have a gem and came upon alexandrite since it changes colors usually between red and blue/purple and the turquoise ring of his just came from nowhere but I love it especially as it was then revealed in another book where it came from.

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