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Hypnos looked around where he was and frowned not really knowing where he was. It was a bit worrying to him, he was not used to being somewhere he was and froze as they saw the young boy giggling before turning to him and turning before his eyes into a young man in his late twenties or early thirties.

"You normally don't come here. You are new." 

"Who are you?" He asked and the man smiled.

"My name is Kohmus, what may I call you?"

"Kohmus? Ashe's Kohmus?"

"Who is Ashe?" The young man with those eyes that looked like his brother's friend, Azrael.

"Thantos?" He tried the other name, he normally referred to him as Ashe, once upon a time he called him Thantos like the people who worshiped him did, but there was something about him that their mother, Nyx, saw and she began mothering him whenever he would allow her, loving him as truly as she loved Hypnos himself. Till first Erberus viewed Ashe the same as he viewed Hypnos, or his other siblings; Nemisis, Eris, Geras, Moros, all the others, and while all viewed Ashe as their brother it was Hypnos himself who grew the closest to him of the siblings, perhaps because he was the youngest of them and was still under his parents protection when this had all happened while the others had left to find their own home. He came to love Ashe equally to his siblings.

They became so close that their worshipers eventually thought them to be so close that they must be twins.

"Thantos? The close family to mama?" He asked and it was then Hypnos realized just who it was that Kohmus was talking about, they were both talking about the same person, but Kohmus only knew one of his sibling's forms.

Why didn't he know that already? He should have guessed if he didn't know him by his 'true' name that he would know him by the form she took when in Egypt. It was strange for Hypnos to think of his brother as his sister but knew that she didn't mind the forms she took, and merely enjoyed being out of work clothing and allowed to dress as she wished.

With a cold sense of dread he realized just where he was. He was deeper than he would dare to go. He was as close to death as was possible to not slip through, he was in the deepest sleep realm that was possible to go to not enter his brother's realm. And god or not, if he were to go there, he would not be able to get out.

He could leave right now, go back to the point simmering under the conscious where he would be safe. Never go here again.

But if he did...his brother would be just as sad as he was before. These last sixty four years since Kohmus's life ended had been hard on him. It was more than having a favorite worshiper, which Hypnos had his own fair share of and lost them, but it wasn't like this. Ashe truly had lost a child, his hurt was the same as it would be for their parents if one of them were to die.

This would be for him, and his decision was made.

"Nephthys." Hypnos corrected himself, "you are Nephthys son."

"She is my third parent, has watched over me my entire life. Before I was...where am I?" The young man in his prime was now much older, his hair grey and slowly turning silver, being in his sixties or so.

"I wanted to better meet you, I am your Uncle Hypnos." Hypnos's wings at his head fluttered a bit as he fought to keep himself from losing himself in this strange place, where time could speed through in the blink of an eye or could slow to almost nothing, this was a volatile plane of existence to be...

"I had seen you, sometimes." The old man said and Hypnos grinned at him.

"Do you think that sleeping so perfectly for your whole life was a coincidence?" He teased, "now come, I would like to have you get to know me outside of your dreams. As-Nephthys has told me a lot about you."

- - -

Hypnos frowned as he looked at the cask of wine, he was not sure about offering this up to his brother to talk about something like this. Ashe had been so...open...so relaxed, more than he had ever seen him, but now he had pulled back in. He let few in, and if the gossip was true from Hades, Anubis, Hel, and others he had become more cold to those he led to their destination.

He turned nearly jumping when he saw his father standing there, the shadows pulling from the corners of the room wrapping around him and clinging to him being a part of him so much it would take a lot to see his form under the deep shadows that he controlled.

Though it was his mother that was known to know things, some even  believed she was the one who granted prophetic vision among others like Apollo or having a serpent lick someone ears, or to be taken pity on someone who is blind, but he had always wondered if perhaps his father did have prophecy as well.

"Here. This is better." His father said handing him tsai tou vounou (mountain tea) and some of those salt covered biscuts.

"Thank you pater, (father,)" Hypnos thanked, he would not question how he knew, he just somehow always knew.

- - -

"Ashe?" Hypnos poked his head into the office that Ashe had claimed, seeing all the scrolls he was doing his hated paper work on. Especially since he had to do Azrael's to.

"Hypnos?" He was surprised, Hypnos didn't normally interfere with his work time.

"Do you have a moment brother, there is something we must discuss." He could see that he was weighing since he knew coming to him like this was not something that Hypnos did. "It is important, I brought lunch." It wasn't really lunch; just some tea and biscuits, but it wasn't like eating was something that they needed to do.

"About what?" He was thrown off and Hypnos sighed figuring this would probably be the best way to him.

"About...about Kohmus." He watched his brother go stock still, staring at him with wide, uncomprehending eyes, "brother, I saw him."

Okay guys, every character here except for Kohmus are Calintha (yes they are mythological gods but they are all characters of her story and have personalities she came up with.) But at the time of writing this we've seen little of Nyx and almost nothing of Hypnos and Erebus. So I'm just trying to figure out their personalities that I think she will have so when reading her stories, people of the future, that is why it might be off. 

AssassinPsyche's Drabble Book; Mythological Hearts UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now