Valentine's Day; Lily

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Lily loved Valentine's day more then anything. She thought it was so great that there was a day selected to be just about loved ones.

Humans were so silly but they were entertaining.

She'd spend every day with her Name anyway but still. Jason had his own feelings but both agreed that it was a good idea.

One might think that they would want a chance to each have their beloved to themselves even for a few hours but no. To them Name was theirs together. It couldn't be toghther with her without their twin.

As much as she would love to shower Name in gifts. To have her covered in the finest silk and lace, have her dripping with jewels and precious metals. But she wouldnt be comfterable with that.

No. Not their Name. Their Name would feel comfortable with all those gifts. So instead Lily would gift her with a picnic made from scratch from her own hands.

But an entire full day with Name and nothing left. Only non-mated people would work that day, being only the guards and medics.

Just a day cuddling and locked up in a room in our own bubble? Or exploring showing her everything.

Decisions, decisions.

But when with Name, all decisions were good ones.

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