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James smiled gently as he slipped along the clouds looking down, he had been right. Taking Name to this city was a good idea. A vacation with just the two of them and Theodore. She had taken on a mothering role with the hatchling right away and it had only grown more and more.

So some time for the family to just get to enjoy each other's company. She had seemed so excited and seeing those (eye color) orbs shining with such happiness showed him that it was the right choice.

As he was flying looking for tonight's dinner it happened. He was sad that it was taking him so long as in the city was a lot harder to hunt dinner then in the forest. The sun had even set and he worried for his darling Name and Theodore must be getting cold. Just as he was thinking it might be best to fly into one of the rooms, to get something from the shops for her but then it happened.

I heard a high pitched almost whistling and turned and gasped seeing a explosion. They were being attacked!

He was flying to first make sure that his mate and son were safe and then whoever did this...he'd kill them. They would be torn piece by piece. However he froze as he heard a familiar voice doing something he never thought he'd hear in this situation.


She wasn't screaming, cowering, anything like that. She was giggling, and she sounded happy and excited. She was pointing to the explosions showing Theodore. I knew she was protective, if she thought something, like one of the birds that flew too close she turned curling herself around Theodore and was hyped up for a good half hour once we convinced her it was just a bird that flew by too close.

She wouldn't be so calm if it was dangerous.

Now that James looked at them more objectively and not worried that someone was trying to attack them, saw they were beautiful. With colors off all kinds; red, blue, green, purple, pink, white, yellow all different colors.

Flying over to them she looked over to him and grinned at him as Theodore cooed and reached out to his father. James moved further sitting down and opening his arms to her and she moved to rest against his side. He noticed that the rooftop she was sitting on might be uncomfortable he lifted her up setting her in his lap.

She squirmed and his hands on her hips would stop her from leaving but she didn't, just moving to get more comfortable before setting Theodore more comfortably on her own lap and relaxed against him. He was awe inspired by this moment, but as amazing as the colored sky fire was it paled in comparison to having his mate in his arms, with their hatchling in hers

AssassinPsyche's Drabble Book; Mythological Hearts UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now