Asim didn't like the concept of Valentine's day. Not that he had a problem with love of course. He was a pretty big fan of it, he was hopelessly devoted to you, and he wanted everyone to have the kind of love he did.
This new world be a loving, happy place.
What he disliked about Valentine's day was how complacent it could make someone. There shouldn't need to be a holiday to tell your loved ones you cared about them. Friendship, family or romantic as he knew and respected that some people didn't have any interest in love or lust either and that was okay to.
But he had watched a handful of relationships fizzle out because one or both people thought being romantic or saying "I love you" was meant onl once or twice a year, anniversary and today.
But when you suggested they celebrate anyway he couldn't say no. This planet was entirely different, it had no traditional four seasons like Earth though their was weather and temperature variants throughout the year. A year on this planet was equal go 13 earth months instead of 12 and the days were very different. There were only two "seasons" since half the year had more night time and half had more day time.
And those two had two and three different times of particular weather respectively. So you had suggested the warm airid time of the night half of the year be the new Valentine's day. And you two celebrate it.
He couldn't deny you anything at the best of times. And to try to deny an entire day of you two being devoted to just each other?
All your attention focused on him? Your beautiful (eye color) pools focusing solely on him? A chance to drown in those (sparkly/smouldering) depths for as long as he wanted?
Just you two. Your whole being his and only his even if just for a day? He couldn't refuse even if he wanted to, and he does not want to. Not at all.
What to do?
Should he treat you to something nice, something special? There was that crustacean that was rare to find but you loved, it rolling up into a ball and being a bright neon green but the meat inside being tender, juicy, and while firm and meaty also slightly sweet. You were right it did go very well with the star fruit....
Or maybe you'd like something with simplicity? A simple meal prepared by his own hands. Special but not outright rare, so you could be reminded of this day often?
Either choice he makes, a picnic could be the way to go. Just you two among the knife grass, the twin moons illuminating you and like you were both all alone on this planet again.
And of course, holding you throughout the night was a must.
Now that he thought of it, maybe Valentine's day isn't so bad.
I hope you guys liked this. I know it's not even Febuary yet but I'm already planning how to decorate my classroom so you get a pretty early Valentine's special.

AssassinPsyche's Drabble Book; Mythological Hearts Universe
Ficțiune generalăA book of snippets that won't fit into my other stories. Only my original stories set in the universe I share with a great author, Calintha, so if you haven't read them this will make little sense. This is completed, but there will still be more com...