Introducing Easton

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"Hello?" The pink haired man came out looking around between all the people and smiled as he saw the group of people and doing a quick read he saw he had more then enough of the pumpkin muffins he had made.

"Who are you?" Klaus asked while Jason, still hating Klaus even though everyone agreed that they would stop physically fighting each other.

"Is this the place of those who love Male-Name?" He asked and they all looked at him strangely.

"Male-Name?" Lily looked at him before Asim spoke up.

"It's the male version of Female-Name." Asim explained and Easton grinned.

"So no one is after my Male-Name?" He asked with a grin and chuckled, "you guys go ahead and argue over Female-Name, and Male-Name is mine." He was happy as a clam, even if they were the same person but Easton only loved men, a man as his heart belonged only to Male-Name.

"Welcome." Jason said and came over to usher Easton in who was looking around and he smiled but frowned on seeing Theodore.

"Oh dear," He frowned and Kohmus, who was looking and saw that Easton was looking around him but not right at him.

"What is it?"

"I made some pumpkin muffins for everyone but didn't know their was a little one here, I don't know if he can have solid food?"

"Theo can eat solid food, if you don't mind." James agreed and Easton smiled widely, he absolutely adored children.

Leaning down Easton smiled at him, "hey honey, would you like a pumpkin muffin?" He offered and smiled widely and began clapping his hands before carefully taking one, James being careful to make sure that his son wouldn't drop it. "Would you like one James? Oh wait, are you Konrad?" He asked not knowing how to say it and the winged alien shook his head.

"It's James, but you can call me either; it is a lot easier than to worry about one or the other." James agreed them and Easton then moved around, it wasn't until he got to Kohmus he froze and looked up his eyes flashing a turquoise and he grinned.

"Ah grandpa."

"Grandpa?" Asim asked looking between Easton and Kohmus who he had been having a big talk between the stars that Asim had traveled as the once pharaoh had a love of them, both from his own youngest loving them, his mama loving them, and his own care for them.

Easton said nothing instead looking for somewhere to put the platter down, Lily moved foreword to take it from him and hold it while Easton pulled his ring off handing it to Kohmus. The mummy froze seeing it and Easton whispered softly.

"This ring has been in my family for generations. A lot of them."

"Benerib." Kohmus whispered looking at the man who he realized was a decedent of one of his children, a descendant of his youngest child.

"Do you want to keep the..." it was the only thing he had of his biological family, of course they were nothing but someone he shared a genetic connection with, his mothers and younger siblings were his family. Even then Kohmus knew the one who once had this ring.

"No, she'd want it to continue on in the family, not for her baba (papa) to hold onto it." He said handing it back to Easton, to his grandson; great by who knows how many grandson. "Do you know where it came from?"

"No. Just my biological family; I was adopted." Easton smiled and Kohmus gave a kind smile.

"Would you like to know the story of it?" He asked and Easton nodded, "pull up a seat Easton." So with tea and the muffins that Easton had prepared it slowly turned into Kohmus telling stories of his children while the others listened and slowly sharing stories of their childhood and their children.

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