Mother and Son

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"Priest?" The toddler asked-having only learned how to say the word and not mispronounce it recently-looking up with their strange amber and black eyes, the ones that no other in all the kingdom had. It was not questioned much as he was the pharaoh-to-be, strange eye color was seen as just something to one day be a vessel for Horus who would imbued a bit inside of him to make the decisions for the kingdom. "The gods are our parents?" He asked and the priest gave a small chuckle, having been the one who was there as the toddler was delivered. The babe had been born not breathing, looking almost a gray-blue as he was born, bloodied and wouldn't cry. The midwives had rushed about trying to save the baby, as the mother cried out and the father let out a scream of fear having thought their first child lost.

It had been the priest only who prayed to the gods. Prayed for a reprieve for the baby.

It had worked, and the baby had let out a screaming cry, opening his strange eyes. Of course it wasn't till he was about to leave that he had even noticed, the happiness and relief being too much as the midwives gently bathed the baby and took care of the after birth and umbilical cord.

"Not quiet young one." The mad just on the cusp of becoming elderly leaned down so he was eye level with the boy so he didn't have to crane his head so far up. "We worship all of our gods, some worship others, but not every one is a parent. If a god chooses you, they'd come to be your parent just as much as the ones who gave us life." He smiled and as the little boy giggled and nodded waving before running off his smile started to fade almost as soon as the little boy had turned his back.

Of all the gods, Nephthys, it had to be Nephthys. Of course she deserved to be worshiped as any other god or goddess, her job was one of the most important. Possibly second to most important, only overdone by the god of funerals; Anubis. While he watched over the preparations of the bodies she took the soul and made sure they would see their face so that they would remember who they are before going to where they would stay in the afterlife. The amazing things that are waiting once they pass on from this mortal coil. Of course that is only if the feather and scales deem the soul worthy, and that is done by Anubis.

Still for a child to be so close to her, always pulled to her pictures on the wall wanting more and more stories of her. Asking about strange shadows, his eyes shining like amber gems with their own shadows swirling. Where had the idea of shadows come from? But to hear a little child that he knew who was so close to meeting Anubis speak of her worried him. Knowing it was out of his hands he let out a sigh and promised himself after he had done his duties and would give the extra worship to his own chosen goddess Heqet, who had been with him through hundreds of births. He could trust that the goddess would know what to do and would lead him the right way, even if the toddler was no longer a baby and far from being birthed which was her domain.

Kohmus was already out of the temple and grinned as he caught a gimps of her. Mama.

It was several days later that Kohmus was able to play with her again. She'd move the pretty shadows that he'd chase after happily. He would get so close every time before they disappeared. He didn't get frustrated as they always lead him a new place, making lovely impressions in the sand to keep him going on the shifting soil, but this time he was on the bright white stones making up the palace. He had been so excited when he saw she had come to visit him again, it was only their last visit she had understood what it meant when he held his arms up and his hands opening and closing in a grabbing motion. What he had known as the way to ask to be picked up, upsies mama, please.

He had settled against her, held against her hip, relaxing fully enjoying the lovely coolness and how safe he felt in her arms. He showed his love for her the only way he knew, cuddling against her quietly as his parents had shown they preferred.

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