Valentine's Day; Jason

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What to do? What to do? Perhaps tonight would be the night? My heart felt like it would pound out of my chest. Lily told me to just go with the flow, but I couldn't.

She claimed that we would feel when the perfect moment came. But still I wanted to create that moment for Name.

What would be the perfect way for her? What was the thing she imaged as she was growing up, dreaming of her own fairy tale?

Did she want a dance, fall in love slowly? In the woods not a soul around but her and us? Maybe she wanted something big like a proclamation to the entire world?

Was this being too cliche with this strange holiday? Sitting I opened the box to see the (favioret metal) that was delicate, two curved lines of pure gem-one was rose quartz and the ruby-the curved lines like a question mark without a dot interlocked to make the sideways eight of the eternity symbol. A single (favioret gem cut) (favioret gem) set where the line intersected.

Though to us the way to claim one was with a necklace, Lily had that. Claim her in Elvish ways and human ways. With a ring and a necklace.

Her be ours in all the ways she was ours.

Here we are. A bit of a wait but still on schedule.

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