Tough Choices

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The Last-Name family were many things. They didn't always get along, life wasn't always sunshine and butterflies, but if they did one thing they cared. They cared about each other and when the times are hard they band together.

The three children grew up learning to be open minded but not so open minded that their brains fell out. To do the right thing and never judge someone for their looks or what group they are part of instead of their own merit.

There were problems they had, like any family. The oldest of the three was a boy who always took on the protectiveness of an older brother, the youngest sister was the baby of the family, and the older sister sometimes faded into the background. And they all did that to the extreme. (Brother's Name) was to the point that he was on constant edge, (Sister's Name) was a rebel without a cause, and when Name suddenly disappeared one day they didn't even know till almost a week in.

When they found out they were worried. They couldn't find her and as the days turned into weeks they thought she was dead. Dead at best. They didn't want to think about all the other horrible things that could happen that made death a good thing. Of course they never thought this consciously and fought against the mere thought.

When she showed up they were amazed and thought they had their family back. She wouldn't talk about what happened to her and only say that she had met these great people who cared for her and she got lost in it.

There were so many horrible things that could happen to someone. Name was never one with a lot of dates, it was actually her little sister who did. She was the in between of the two siblings; not always so stressed out they worried for her heart nor a wild child so they had to worry about her safety. 

These 'twins' as she referred to them had to be dangerous. In the end they were worried and just didn't trust her. Good or bad that is who they are.

They did love her, they just didn't trust her this far. Worried she would end up losing her organs on the black market, killed, anything. So they did what they needed putting her in the hospital to make sure she was okay. Not poisoned or brain washed.

Never knowing that was what made them lose her forever.

This takes place for Reader-chan's family's reasoning for sending her to the hospital in the chapter The Three R's in Eternally Yours.

AssassinPsyche's Drabble Book; Mythological Hearts UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now