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In a lonely boarding school was where Viktor first discovered his love of science. A kind woman, who in another time might have been called a governess. She loved science and showed him simple experiments like drawing his name with magnets and metal shavings.

It was later on when he was a bit older at the age of twelve he fell for technology. He did something very simple with a older boy who took on an older brotherly role with the young child. The sixteen year old showed him how to make a simple robotic arm on wheels.

It had been so long that Viktor didn't know their names anymore. Was her name Ashley? Amanda? Adriana? Alana? It started with an A, that is all he knew. And was his name Donnie or Robbie or Bobby? He knew it was one of the three names. Or maybe it wasn't.

At twenty six he couldn't even say what they looked like, he remembered most the slightly exasperated but still helping him of the boy and the soft tanned hands of the woman who imparted her love of science to him.

He was thankful to their memory but had moved on and became so much more than that wide eyed eight year old who gasped and cooed at simple magnets, who thought looking into a microscope made him so grown up and sophisticated. Just as gone was that twelve year old who thought it was so cool to work some wires and metal to do what he wanted to do.

He was so much more, it was kind of pathetic if he ever thought about it, that they were who he remembered, so he tried not to. He had a handful of friends and could remember them by their faces sometimes and what they did together. But he moved on to so much more.

He didn't know what he would do, what his claim to fame would be. What he would discover. But as he went he discovered how people distrusted each other, how technology was misused taken too far and he decided that the only way to do it was to use technology to make it better. To make it where humanity could go forever.

He would be remembered forever.

In your face Death.

He remembered how his mother died, how she died of a car crash because she didn't put her seat belt on, or that is what the lawyer claimed and proved in the court. And his father who was so stupid to drink himself to death.


No one remembered them, they didn't know their names. What a waste. If no one would remember your name, what was the point? Then again people would remember their name because of him, so in a way he would be the good son who would bring honor to them.

So Viktor found what he needed and he worked there. He had no romances save one. But that ended. He could still remember the words that were said.

How foolish his lover had been. They could have been the power couple, the science and machinery genius of him and the biology they had. The androids would have been finished at least three years earlier.

He sometimes wondered where they were and he had loved them but not more then his work. More then his name.

It wasn't till he was held by the neck chocking and watching the precious red life giving liquid drain from the spot between his stomach and chest where he had been stabbed by his own android.

He was not Edward Jenner. He was Frankenstein.

And he was almost as scared of that as he was seeing the skeleton with a black cloak. Somehow he knew there was no game of chance, no bribe, no begging that could save him.

Again, I hate when I lose my skin... a cold voice said before looking at him with lifeless eyes...eye holes...Let's get this over with, I have better things to do. My beloved is waiting for me.

AssassinPsyche's Drabble Book; Mythological Hearts UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now