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This is a working mythology for the creatures in my story Sunrays and Moonbeams. This may add and change as I finish up and once I'm done I'll probably add whatever other gods and goddesses that they have that might not get into the story.

Gods and Goddess

Matre; A goddess who is from creation it was her who made the beings from there. She is the goddess of motherhood and she is known as the creator of all of them. You would say 'may the Matre bless' anyone who is precious to you. She is always with her mate, Patre. She looks like a older woman with her long hair in a intricate bun and shown holding a sprig of herb which is a sign of motherhood.

Patre; A god who is from creation and he and Matre made the aliens from the story. She is the god of fatherhood and protection of those who are precious. You would say 'Patre protect' someone who is precious to you and going to protect you. Matre is his mate. he looks like an older man who holds a bow from a bow and arrow which is a symbol of fatherhood.

The Youngling; The daughter of Matre and Patre, she is a fertility goddess. She is said to bring the eggs to the couples who will have them. She is also a minor goddess of eggs and said to protect them. She looks about sixteen or so in earth years and doesn't have any constellations but does have one on her forehead, unlike her older brother the Unwinged One her not having constellations on her body was from her being young instead of losing her mate, she is always shown to have her long hair in a single braid and often shown kneeling holding a egg. Couples that are trying to have children will often wear her pendant.

The Unwinged One; The son of Matre and Patre, he is the god of broken hearts basically. In the story he lost his mate and his wings so he is the only mythos that has no wings. His jobs are very cold so can be sometimes hated himself and is feared by many even if he is known to be needed just as much as any more. He is the one who if one's mate died before a youngling reaches adulthood he is said to be the one who will make them go insane and basically melt from the inside, if someone's mate lives past when they become a full grown adult but dies before they find each other then he takes away all caring of the living mate, and if one mate dies after both found each other he is the one who makes them go hysterical and go foreword to get killed. He looks like the beings he has dominion over only that his body doesn't have the constellations anymore nor does he have the constellation on his forehead,  he also has no wings but does have gaping wounds at his back where the wings would be that sometimes are depicted bleeding down his torso some, he is always shown in just brown pants and shirtless.

The Old Crone; According to their stories they didn't always have mates and she stepped in to make people have mates and also to care so much for the mates, so having a Beast take over, as had happened in the story, is from her. She is often shown to wear a hood and stooping with age.

The Righteous Man; The god of the suns and moons. They had two suns and five moons. It is from them that they were able to grow their food and so was important things. He is shown instead of having the pitch black of their skin with points of light, his skin is swirling gold and silver and is often shown each hand holding a floating miniature set. One sun in his right hand and one moon in his left with the other sun and four other moon arching over him.

The Twins; Identical twin girls who are the goddesses of death. One is the goddess of accidental death and old age death, the other is the goddess of murder and death from the Unwinged One. If you read Heart of Ashes, by Calintha her character Ashe is one of them, though I don't know which he is or even if he's both. They are identical twins so look the same but the one from accidental death has long hair and holds a pair of scissors while the one from murder had short hair and holds a sickle.

Cherubs (These are like minor gods and goddesses and are more that almost everything has its own god. They are gods but aren't as powerful as other gods.) 

The Messenger: Several cherubs exist but are all called The Messenger despite there being many of them. They are responsible for several things; putting the signs of the gods (from anything like weather patterns/animals actions/etc) bringing news of loved ones to the dead, and are also responsible for instincts. 

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