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I knew that the time was coming,Star-Sight, was dying. He was a great falcon and had been there withme through everything. From the time I had first started and givenStar-Sight at the time was one year old. And for the last fifteenyears he had been a faithful companion. One I can always look to, theone who taught me as a young boy to care, how important we all are.

But as a man, with a wife-forpolitical reasons from my friends and for all the love of my heartand soul with my beloved-two sons along with another on the way, withthe entire kingdom on my responsibilities.

But now, the falcon who had been how Ilearned to hunt, who was there as I learned to use a bow and arrow,there while I leaned to run, he had even helped me chase mama'sshadows... he was dying.

"Hello mama," I called out as Ifelt the slight chill the air had taken. I always loved it and evennow, as I know she is going to take Star-Sight away, I am stillrelaxed to feel it. I know she will take good care of him, that he isin good hands. I am sad that Achillas and Baufar are not old enoughto have learned with him as well as their own falcons. Still at leastthey will remember him, but their little sister or brother will haveno memories of him that are their own. Still, I will tell them, asmuch as they want.

"Hello Kohmus," she sounds almostsad and I turn to her, stroking Star-Sight just one last time...

"You are here for Star-Sight?"

"Yes." She answers and I offer himup to her, she takes him softly, holding him like a baby.

"Good-bye Star-Sight," I am oddlygrateful, I can say goodbye to him. He makes a soft, pitiful squawk.After well over a decade with him I know what he is saying. He issaying goodbye. That hits me harder than I think it will and my eyesstart to water.

"Kohmus," she doesn't know what tosay, I know she doesn't.

"No mama, saying goodbye to a friendfor a time is always hard. But I must let him go, we all must returnto your embrace." I gave her a smile that I force, "take goodcare of him though?"

"You have nothing to fear, my son."She promised and I smiled a bit wider, he was safe and I trusted howsafe she would keep him.

"Thank you mama," I thanked takinga deep breath, "Nerfert made something for you, somehow she knew.She always knows." I handed her the soaked honey cake that shegently took, it was one of Neophytes favorite offerings as she hadsaid to my wife when she finally was officially warmed up to her.

"Thank you Kohmus."

"Goodbye mama." I whispered but shewas already gone, I knew that as soon as she took the being she mustquickly leave, she probably held off longer than normal with me totalk the warmth of what she did swelled in my heart. The love of amother, if I can be half the father to my own children as she hasdone for me-when I am her son in all but blood-than I will have nofears with being a good enough father like I sometimes worry.

Just a short drabble but this is foreveryone whose lost a fur-or feather/scale/etc-baby. I got the ideafrom the comics I saw with the grim reaper reaping animals that hadbeen abused and died. Once I stopped crying I needed to see Ashereaping a animal and being a bit of a soft boi, but Ashe (called here Nephytys) belongs to Calintha, and I highly recommend her writings, but I just love to borrow Ashe, he is amazing to play with.

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