Introducing James

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The yanderes who were fighting for you hand had come to a certain agreement over time. Jason and Lily having grown up together being a fundamental part of each other, and Asim and Kohmus getting along surprisingly well and once Klaus got a chance to calm down they took the introduction to a new person wanting their love's hand surprisingly well.

Which was good when considering the little bundle cooing in James's arms. "What is this?" James asked as the baby cooed to him and he gently rocked back and forth on his feet a way he had practiced for all of his younger sisters.

"The Name Protection Squad." Klaus smirked chuckling as he picked up a book and James's magenta eyes glared at them.

"What?" He growled holding his son a little bit closer as Jason shook his head.

"Listen, don't bother. Trust me you don't want the headache this causes." He assured him, "my sister and I have been here since the beginning. It isn't worth it. We are all here because we love Name more then anything." He assured and James gnashed his teeth.

"She is mine, she is meant for me." He growled out and Lily giggled, shaking her head.

"Her very soul recognized my brother and I." Lily smirked and Asim sighed.

"I suggest you calm James, remember you have a son."

"Are you threatening him?!" Kohmus gasped shocked at the man he had been able to talk so much about the stars the man had traveled that Kohmus would search out every night. The thoughts of his own children flashing through his mind.

"Of course not." Asim gasped and shook his head and that calmed James if only for just a moment. "I just mean who will hold such a small baby while he fights us?" He asks and James holds his freshly adopted son close to his chest.

"Relax, just sit. No one will take her from you, and in exchange you won't seek to take her from our arms. She deserves to make her own choice." Kohmus had gotten used to this surprisingly quickly and James managed to force himself to sit no matter what his instincts were screaming at him.

AssassinPsyche's Drabble Book; Mythological Hearts UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now