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"Baba! Baba! (Daddy! Daddy!)" Benerib called to her father running up to him with her arms up giggling. Kohmus chuckled leaning down as he walked so he could lift her up while still moving, holding her above his head before pulling her to his chest to  cling to him. Which the four year old did.

"Hello my little star princess! Were you good for mamti? (mommy?)" He asked and she nodded excitedly as he smiled. 

"Baba! (Daddy!) Up! Up to!" Addaya called and Kohmus playfully rolled his eyes and leaned down to lift her up. It should have been hard but he was well practiced at this point as the twin girls loved to be near each other. Of course they loved their older brothers but they were different with each other. "We were really, really good!" She assured and Kohmus smiled and kissed first her forehead then Benerib's.

"Really? You and your sister were good my flower princess?" He asked as he had taken to calling her as she took after her mother who he often called his iris blossom which was a flower. Benerib had taken after her aunt-his youngest sister-love of stars. Despite being twin girls they didn't look anymore alike then two sisters would, and were very different even now. While Benerib could lounge in her mother's arms for hours listening to any and all stories-along with her favorite question-why?

They were expecting that having gone through it with both Achillas and Baufar but she lasted longer then either of her brothers or her sister. Addaya was still asking why but not as often as Benerib. Addaya on the other hand would watch everything and all but demand to go up to any merchants that caught her eye with their pretty clothing. He or his Nerfert-or even Aunty Skylar who was who he married and looked at him only as a best friend and took on a aunt role with the children, would cloak themselves and little Addaya so she could go see if there were any pretty fabrics. Silk was a favorite of hers just for the feel. She also loved highly saturated clothing, which was the same as Nerfert. Like mother, like daughter.

Most of the clothing in the twins wardrobe was made by Nerfert, her having made her own clothing for most of her life and practice did make perfect. She was still sitting in the chaise obviously waiting for Kohmus to return. When he did both smiled and she opened her arms to slip between their daughters to wrap her arms around his waist and kiss him. Pulling away she took Benerib from him.

"Come along girls, there is still more weaving to do." She cooed to them and they pouted but a quick kiss on the cheek for each from Kohmus and promising he'd give both a full story of their choice-one for each of them!-for bedtime they both agreed. He gave his love as steamy as a kiss he could get away with as their youngest were in the room and then moved on. As much as they both missed each other, she still had work to do teaching the twins and he'd just distract all three of them.

Heading in further Kohmus smirked as he heard a voice he noticed as his first born Achillas. Peeking in he smirked as he saw both Achillas and his middle child Baufar with their bows. He frowned when he saw that Baufar looked worried.

"It'll be okay Baufar, we'll fix it and baba (daddy) will never know."

"We were lucky to sneak it pass mamti (mommy) brother! How can we fix it before one of them find out?" He asked worried and Achillas sighed but put his hand on his younger brother's shoulder when he contineud, "baba (papa) made it special for me, and mamti (mommy) wrapped it in special hand woven cloth by her, Addaya and Benerib. It's precious. How could I break it?"

"It was an accident! They'd understand." Achillas tried to calm his brother but froze up as he heard a voice.

"You should listen to your older brother Baufar, he is wise. Accidents happen, we'd be more worried if you are okay." Both boys froze turning to their father, they were shocked the shadows withered reacting to the brothers, moving to wrap around them as if protecting them, but as they calmed a little bit seeing how relaxed and not at all mad their father was slowly slipped away disappearing as if they never were there in the brightly lit room.

The blessing from Nephthys and the Greek gods that apparently were like family to her of Nyx and Ereburs had blessed Nerfert, himself and their children. He was used to it after a decade of seeing it.

"My sons," he sighed and gave them a smile to show he was not in any way mad. "Things come and go, true they are special and precious, but never more then a life." He assured them and went foreword to sit on his knees with them to inspect the bow. "One day Nephthys will come for us all to lead us to the next life, not just to talk, and it will be a happy day for us, but those we leave behind will miss us. When that time comes, who cares if a bow was broken?" He smiled and the boys smiled relaxing and he smirked, "so how about tomorrow I show you how to make your own bow?" He offered and the honey brown, his own eyes copied in Baufar's and the black to the point you can't even see the pupils-a nearly carbon copy of Nerfert's eyes-in Achillas's eyes. They immediately were excited as Achillas had been asking to see for almost a year, and Baufar would do whatever his older brother did.

"Really baba?! (daddy?!)"

"Yes. Tomorrow." He promised and smirked, "I expect you to be good for your mamti (mommy) to." He teased and smirked, "but we'll do it after dinner tomorrow, I think she is going to teach the girls how to make that barely and flaxseed recipe she made combining it with her friend Sofia." He added as Achillas smiled even wider. It was his favorite thing his mother made along with some goat's cheese and roasted in parsley rabbit with a sprinkling of cloves on top in an open face sandwich. Tomorrow would an amazing day for him.

"Yes baba! (daddy!)" Both agreed hurriedly obviously excited.

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