Bio; Kohmus

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Name: Kohmus

Gender: Male

Species: Mummy

Job: Once a pharaoh of Egypt

Eye color: Black and amber.

Hair: Curly black hair

Family: He had a lover, Nefert, and four children. A son named Achillas then a second son named Baufar, and then a pair of twin girls Addaya and Benerib. Of course that was 7,000 years ago so all his descendants tend to be several thousand. Each of his four children have about a thousand living descendants each. This leaves him with 4000 living descendants, he could have up to 7,500 but with some dying before they can children or never having any it would go down to about a thousand each give or so.

Age: He was pharaoh around the time of 5,000 BCE

Sexuality: Only interested in his lover, never showing really any interest in anyone male or female before or after. The word didn't exist than but he is demisexual.

Personality: When alive Kohmus took his job as pharaoh very seriously making sure that he made life the best he could for his people. He was married to another woman but that was merely for politics and they both agreed to that. He fell in love with a woman named Nefert, his only love. His wife loved it and was happy treating her like a sister once she was sure she was good enough for her best friend. When Kohmus found himself caring more for Nefert then his people-let the entire Nile run red with blood as long as she was okay he was shocked and scared but it was too late to change it.

He is a very kind and always has a lesson to the situation. He is kind of the kind of guy who is known as 'everyone's big brother' and does have a habit of telling dad jokes to make a child who is sad smile. He was always devout to the Egypt gods especially the goddess Nephythes.

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