Red Death

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Sometimes you really hated being a woman. Utterly despised it. With a groan you rolled on your other side to see if that would give relief.


Pain is worst.


You turned back to your other side and sighed screwing your eyes shut to try to block out the pain.

Your menstrual cramps were really attacking you this month.

You were (often in pain on your period/lucky to rarely feel much pain on your period) but this was pretty bad. It hurt so bad.

"Ready to go?" The usually welcome voice was not-so-welcome now. You only groaned, trying to say his name but it was far from that. "Name? Are you still in bed?"

"It's six already?" You groaned, hating to have wasted the entire day. But it hurt way too much to have done anything when you had your day off.

"Have you been in bed all day?" His normally cold voice sounded surprised. "What happened to living every day to the fullest?" And now it was mocking.

"Ashe," you managed to get out. "I'm in pain as is," he seemed shocked and suddenly he was by your side, moving your blanket off you. You whimpered at the unwelcome cold, made more jarring with his presence.

"Name?!" If you had been better you would have noticed how worried his voice sounded. "What's wrong?" He placed his hand on your forehead and while you weren't really happy for the cold, on your face it was pretty nice.

He knew you weren't going to die. He wouldnt need to reap your soul for a long time. And you weren't giving any bits of disease that would destroy you slowly or swiftly. So what was wrong?

Had some co-worker found out about you?

"I'm not sick Ashe." You smiled and nuzzled into the pillows. "I'm sorry you came all this way for me to be in too much pain to do anything." You managed to say wrapping your arms around your stomach.

"That's the last thing I'm worried about right now." He groaned and stroked some hair from your face. "What is wrong with you?!" He demanded and you sighed.

"Something as a guy you'll never have to worry about." You finally said and thought he'd be confused but that seemed to make sense to him.

"Your moon sickness?" He asked and before you could speak, he pulled your blanket back over your body. "Stay here. I'll be back." He left and you honestly didnt think he would. Maybe come back in a few days and...

So sleepy.


"-rling, wake up Name." You blinked your eyes open looking around the (eye color) pools slowly becoming less hazy.


"Heh, welcome to the land of the living Name." Ashe did let out a chuckle and you couldn't help but giggle.

"Kind of off putting to hear that from Death." You teased and he shook his head at you and moved you to sit up and fluff the pillows under you.

"Not now Name. Eat this." He gave you a bowl of deep green soup. "It smells bad and tastes worst but will give you all the nutrients you need while bleeding." He hummed and then handed you a mug of honeyed tea. "And this is for the pain." He assured and you looked between it and him.

"Ashe, you made this for me?" You asked and his face went blank and he looked away from you.

"Yeah, well, I wasnt going to make you suffer. I might be Death but I'm dont like suffering." He whispered, he didnt but not enough to try to stop it. But now he would.

If he was human hed be blushing right now.

"Thank you Ashe," you whispered and ate the soup and sipped the tea.

"Here, have this to. And lay down. Rest. I'll watch over you." He assured stroking your hair as you laid down on your side and he stroked from your head down to your back.

"My very own guardian angel."

"Quiet you." Despite that you could hear the smile in his voice.

"I love you to." You teased drifting to sleep.

Ashe's eyes, usually flat and cold, though over your friendship it had slowly warmed a bit to you now showed flashes of emotions.

From being ice to being a thunderstorm.

"You're only kidding just might be right." He whispered tucking you further into the covers.

This is a fanfic of another character. He belongs to Calintha not me. I haven't even officially met him with his own book but the introduction of him I'm just in love with him.

AssassinPsyche's Drabble Book; Mythological Hearts UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now