Love or Duty

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Lawrence looked out the window shaking. His hands, clasped behind his back, shook. He could hear her screams. She had gone quiet long ago, after hours of her screams and even longer her sobs had finally stopped. Perhaps she was asleep?

All he could hope was that she was dreaming sweetly. That no darkness plagued her mind. He knew he'd never again sleep soundly, her cries haunting him.

His poor little sister.

You protect Ailenoir?

Yes, of course.


Yes Allie. Always.

I love you big brovder!

Lawrence wiped a stray tear away. Why was he thinking this still? Why could he still see big honey yellow eyes staring up at him. Shocked that she wasn't his actual sister, that she had just been founded.

Scared he'd toss her away like her biological parents must have. She had held closely to him and he loved her so well he didn't care. He loved her more then anything in this world, he knew his mother's days were numbered, she was almost sure he was ready to take on this world by himself.

He had no mate. He knew who she was, they both were too young to recognize their mate but still he just knew.

How could he now hold that little girl hostage? She wasnt the same little one anymore, now she was a (skin tone) (brunette/blonde/red head/etc) woman. A completely diffrent life.

But still he swore to watch over her. And now he was listening to her screaming herself hoarse.

Damn those devil twins!

Do not allow her to leave.

She would bang on the door.

They shortened the chains around her wrists.

She would refuse the food.

They force feed her, usually using it as an excuse to fuse their lips to hers.

She would plead to be let go.

They would be affronted that she'd ask that of them.

All she could do was cry and scream. They would have her drink hot tea if she lost her voice but at least allow her to rest it.

But no matter what she did she couldn't escape. A little songbird held in her cage by a cat.

This wasn't right.

As King and Queen we order you.

He was raised on the standard of courtly behavior!

She is ours; we have double claim on her.

She's his little sister!

She's confused, she'll be better soon, we must all have patience.

No! He couldn't let this happen! He had to save Name-

Do you swear to uphold the throne

Lawrence slowed.

I do.

He paused.

And to keep the Five Kingdoms safe?

He looked to the door.

I do.

Closing his eyes he let out a sigh like that of Atlas.

And to always follow the instructions of my sister and myself?

He turned from the door, walking away.

I do.

Never before had his oath been a burden...

Then arise, Captain, stand beside my brother and I.

"I'm sorry sister," he thought a single tear betraying the way his heart was breaking.

Arise and defend the Five Kingdoms and all its citizens!

All its citizens. All its citizens! He froze.

Name is our mate, royalty equal to us.

Equal to them.

Royalty is a citizen!

Pulling the key from his belt he marched to the door. When it slammed open it startled the poor prisoner out of her light sleep.

The tears still shining in her (eye color) pools, red rimmed from crying nearly broke him. But no. Not now. There would be time for his concious to attack him, to drown him in tightly deserved guilt, later.

"We must go Name, our time is short."

Wow...I really wrote a chapter on my phone. Just a drabble but still. So much better then eating during my lunch break. It was fun to explore Lawrence but this is sent in an alternate universe: one where Jason and Lily aren't kind but abusive.

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