Best Cousins

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"So Honey Bee, how do we do this?" Easton asked pushing his electric green out of his deep green eyes, it would soon need a trim, once he was sure it was pushed out of the way he then quickly washed his hands. He had already taken off his ring and had put it on the leather cord that held his necklace. The ring and alexandrite charm clink against each other.

He was wearing a simple pair of jeans and a work shirt, a simple white shirt that had the name and symbol of Creamy Creations over his left breast and on the back in black italicized letters 'Staff'. Over it all was one of his favorite aprons; he had a slight collection of them, this one was a white one with a plaid design of cotton candy blue and bubblegum pink, with lines of violet all through it, you had been the one to embroider the apron; the front center had the family crests of his two mothers, the rest having stitches of smiling baked goods like cookies with smiles and wide small cake with strawberries decorating the top with a bow to make it look like a hair in a bun, and wearing glasses, a slice of rainbow cake with blushing cheeks and angel wings, etc. Finally at the bottom were little vines, it had been a gift for his birthday two years ago from you. It had taken forever to embroider but it was made of good strong linen, easy to wash and the stitching would hold up to many washes. 

"Well I made some from Isabella's recipe," I pointed out to the little cupcakes I had made using her recipe except doing less time cooking so that it would not burn them when they are cupcakes instead of a cake.

Easton took the little index card and a single cupcake along with some wine to cleanse his palette before taking curious tastes. "Hmm...and this is why Ashe likes the honey the best?" Easton was working on getting his own business as were his boyfriend Adrian working on his to, Easton wanting a bakery and Adrian to own his own garage. They shared an accountant, Gretchen who was a recommendation from Amanda, she was an old college roommate who she stayed with when doing a couple semesters of international enrollment. Turns out she was also Easton's third-cousin-twice-removed, her grandfather and Easton's 'mutti's' mother were siblings; their grandfather and grandmother were brother and sister. Between Isabella's meals and Easton's desserts they together threw the best dinner parties, well worth the near formal interview of what everyone thought of the food between Isabella's blog and Easton trying to figure out what he would offer in his bakery.

"I never thought of it like that..." you knew that Ashe was eternal, and didn't technically need to eat, but would if he liked the taste, and did tend to like it if there was honey involved. Whether it was because he liked the taste or that he correlated the taste with the family there was no way to know, but knowing him as you did, you would be willing to bet it was the former.

"There isn't really anything that I can think to add to it, it's really well balanced." Easton hummed sipping more of the wine before making a face, he didn't like alcohol as a general rule, but would use it. "I don't want to mess it up."

"Maybe a frosting? Ashe has mentioned figuring out something like that once," you mentioned and Easton snapped his hand and grinned.

"That's a perfect idea! A honey-mint buttercream frosting! Or maybe an Italian buttercream, do you think he likes more creamy silky frosting?" Easton asked with a giggle, "I have to find you something for your lovely," he teased, "then I can make my darling Adien those hand pies he loves so much~"

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