× 1 : Sebastian ×

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The curtains snapped open, daylight burning through the shadows in the master bedroom of the Phantomhive Estate. A gloved hand gently touched Ciel Phantomhive's sleeping back, causing the adolescent boy to stir.

"Master, breakfast has been prepared." Sebastian Michealis's deep voice cut through the heavy quiet. Ciel grumbled.

The blue-haired boy sat up, propping himself up before stretching. Sebastian selected the outfit his master would wear today, neatly folded and set aside from yesterday. He gingerly unbuttoned Ciel's sleep shirt, silently admiring his slightly defined abs, trying to dismiss any thought he found dirty.

Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows as he acknowledged the fact that his thoughts even tip-toed into the lustful part of his mind. Finally, the master was dressed, and he could breathe a sign of relief, no longer eye to eye with Ciel's partially nude body. The young master had grown to be quite an attractive man, gaining many admirers. Sebastian didn't understand why he hated that fact so much, and he found himself glaring at the sleeping body of his master, wondering why he had to be so... alluring. He shook off these thoughts and led Ciel to the dining hall.

He sighed and described the morning's tea, "Today's tea is Darjeeling, sent in from India, from the Prince as an early wedding gift." 

Ciel frowned at hearing it wasn't his usual Earl Gray. Before he spoke, Sebastian interrupted him.

"I can replace it with Earl Gray if you would rather have that, my lord." He said, voice coming out lower than usual, effectively making him sound dejected, which he in fact was.

Sebastian tried to forget about what was coming up a week from now. The master's wedding. He found himself clicking his tongue, clenching his teeth, closing his eyes and furrowing his brows, all at the same time, right in front of his master.

"Sebastian? Are you alright?" Ciel said, a slight hint of worry in his voice.

"I apologize, my lord. Would you like me to bring you the Earl Gray?" Sebastian responded.

"No, that's alright. I suppose I'll just drink this." Replied Ciel as he took a sip of the tea.

"Please excuse me master." Sebastian said, his thoughts returning to the wedding. He walked into the garden, recently groomed by Finney.

Sebastian looked upon the white rose bushes with sadness. His crimson eyes studied the delicate blossoms, crafted especially by nature to be beautiful, and subsequently loved by all, including the young master, finding them nice to look at. He scoffed at himself. Jealous of flowers now, are we? He thought, once again furrowing his eyebrows. He had been so caught up in his musings and didn't notice his vision blurring, his breathing becoming increasingly slower, or that he had slumped down to the freshly trimmed grass. For the first time in all his life with Ciel, Sebastian collapsed from exhaustion. Perhaps it was stress for the upcoming wedding, maybe overwork, or, quite possibly, heartache.

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now