36 - First Mission - Eliminate Monster and Beast (2)

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6 people had already prepared themselves to their mission. 5 of them summon their guardian beast. 4 flying type beast and 1 land beast. But there's one person who can't even summon one. And that is Chen Ming Yu. She had a contracted primordial beast but it is still small and fragile, her little red, the Phoenix.

The five figures looked at Chen Ming Yu as if waiting for something. She looked back at them and say coldly:

"Are you waiting for me to summon my guardian beast?"

The five animals nodded.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I don't have one."

"What?!" Lan Bao, Dei Min, and the others spoke in unison. Their faces in shock.

"I mean, I do have one." Little Red poke out his head out of Chen Ming Yu's robe. It's gold and red feathers look soft and brilliant. He climbed on her shoulders and used his beak to whistle.

In just a second... A large hawk flies towards their direction. The five animals grew alarmed but Chen Ming Yu is still as calm as serene water.

The hawk bows its head when he saw the little Phoenix. He then turns around to urge Chen Ming Yu to climb on its back. The five animals jaw falls in the ground.

What is this? The little Phoenix clearly is her contracted beast. But what is this hawk doing here? Did that little Phoenix call that hawk to use for travel?

"Lan Bao, come over here. Your guardian beast is a land type, we can get there fast if we used a flying type beast."


The 6 of them started their journey to the north and east area. But little did they know that danger is already waiting for them to arrive.


"We've arrived." Chen Ming Yu leaped off from the hawks back and landed in the ground perfectly. The other five did the same.

Chen Ming Yu patted the hawks featherily head and a small smile crept upon her small pinkish lips.

"Thank you, Hawkins*." The hawk nodded at her and flew away. The little red looked at her disapprovingly.

This master...I'm the one who called the hawk. Why isn't she thanking me!!!

"Thank you, little red."

Huh? Did master really thank me? And just like before, she's smiling sheepishly at me!!!

"What the hell is this? Are we really going to enter this big dark forest?" Yi Gu spoke complaining.

"This forest is called Dark Forest. It really suits its name. But I didn't know that it really exists. It's so close to Boreas and Eurus but no one even notices this." Jun Xi smiled coldly.


"What's wrong, Ming Yu?"

"I can feel a powerful aura...inside."

What's going on? This aura is too familiar. This aura is just like those black figures but this time, it's aura is very powerful that I can really feel it to the very depths of my bones.

"Should we go?" Feng Bai asked Chen Ming Yu who had a serious expression plastered on her face. Feng Bai thoughts: So, fearless!!! And so beautiful!!!

"Yeah. Our mission is to eliminate the beast and the monster living here."

All six of them enter the dark forest that is surrounded by black mist. Just at the time they enter, all of them get separated from each other.

"Everyone, stay close to me." Chen Ming Yu spoke but no one answered.

S#*t! I didn't think of this. The black mist is so thick that I can't even see my own hands. And now, the five animals that I'm with were separated from me.

Chen Ming Yu grabbed her sword that was hanging in her back. She swings it gently and the black mist in front of her path diminish.

"Whenever you're in trouble use this sword that grandpa made for you. I put some high-level magic crystal there so you'll be okay."

"But, grandpa, the sword is too big, I can't even raise this."

"Stupid! You will use this sword when you grow up."

"But I'm already 10 years old. I've grown up."

"Silly! You're still a child. Keep watching while grandpa is working. Grandpa wants you to learn."

Grandpa...thank you. This sword helps me a lot.

This time, Chen Ming Yu heavily swung the sword using her full strength to completely fade away the black mist surrounding her area.


Huh? Who's that?

"Help! Help!"

"Please help my teammates. Miss, help us. That monster is powerful!"

Chen Ming Yu's eyes go wide. Her blue eyes contract and losing its brilliance. Her expression darkens...

What the hell is this thing?!

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