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        It was yet another year at Hogwarts for Demetria Ainsworth. She didn't know what to feel. Will she be excited to go back to the magical school of Hogwarts? Or sad because she left home without hearing from her muggle best friend? Maybe both.

         Demetria Ainsworth is a fifth year from the house of Gryffindor. She's the daughter of the great wizard Demetrius and muggle Hadrid Ainsworth, who are unfortunately dead now. They both died when she was a baby, a death eater killed her mom while Voldemort killed her dad. She lived with muggles, just like the famous Harry Potter. But unlike him, she was lucky enough to have her grandparents (her mother's mom and dad) to take care of her.

        She was sitting alone on a compartment inside the Hogwarts Express with her eyes closed. She haven't had enough sleep because she waited for Flint's, her best friend, message. She was disappointed though, Flint hasn't sent her back letters or any messages.

        Demetria heard footsteps approaching. She sighed before opening her eyes, only to see the wisest student from Gryffindor (she wanted to say wisest student of their year but she knew Aeacus is just as good as her). Hermione Granger.

        "Hi Demi," Hermione flashed a smile on her, so she smiled back. "Everywhere else is full, can we sit here?"

        "Please," Demi said "Its better than to sit with those three idiots." referring to her noisy friends. She said this thinking that maybe those three won't come and sit with her if the golden trio was with her, though the chance is very low.

         Hermione entered the compartment, followed by Harry. Demi offered him a nod, she knew he'd been through a lot last year. Aside from witnessing Cedric Diggory's death, he almost got expelled. Harry smiled.

        And then a red headed boy followed, his blue-green eyes bore into her hazelnut ones. He immediately glared at Demi, the other just rolled her eyes.

        Ron Weasley holds a grudge on every Slytherin. He believes that they are all bad. That's why he's been hating Demi for coming to the Yule Ball with a Slytherin last year. He thinks she's betraying Gryffindor.

        "You're still at it Weasley?" He just scoffed and looked outside the window.

        The three of them were sitting in front of Demi because they were sure that 'those three idiots' will be there any minute now.

        "Demi!" A voice screamed.

        Demi rolled her eyes and looked outside the window.

        "Ignoring me now?"

        "Shut it Aster, I'm not in the mood for this." she said, refusing to look at him.

        "Wow, I missed you too." There was a hint of hurt in his voice which made Demi smile a little, but she didn't let him see it.

         "Told you I should've brought her that instead," another voice said. She quickly glanced outside the compartment and was met by Kris Huckabee. "What? Missed me?" He opened his arms and Demi happily ran to him to give him a hug, smiling widely.

        Aster grunted. Why didn't he get that reaction when she saw him? "I can't believe this." he shook his head,

        Kris gave Demi a kiss on the forehead before turning to mock Aster. "Sorry Aster," then he flashed a playful smile.

        "And me?" Another voice said.

        "Aeacus!" Demi moved towards him and also gave him a hug. "Wow you grew taller," She continue to scan her other friend Kris. "Have you been working out?" Then she looked at his biceps.

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