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"Hey Ron, why are you here?" George asked his youngest brother.

Ron just chuckled and huffed. "You ask me that as if we don't run this place together," he took off his coat and check Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, finding their store packed with customers at this late hour.

"I mean, you should be resting. You've been arresting criminals endlessly this month and I've heard you captured one death eater this afternoon."

"George, I still need to help out around here."

George rolled his eyes and took his brothers coat just to shove it to him. "I know, and I will ask for you help if I need you." He turned his brother around and push him out of the store's door. "For now, go and get yourself some rest."

"You're kicking me out of my own store?" Ron said after being pushed out of the store's door.

George chuckled at this. They both stood in front of their store, Ron fiddling with the buttons with his coat, seemingly contemplating on telling something to George.

"Something wrong?" George asked.

Ron's gaze stayed on the floor, avoiding his brother's stares. He finally made up his mind and sighed, lifted his gaze from the floor and to his brother, forming a small smile.

"Nothing." He shook his head and pursed his lips.  "I'm just tired. You're right, I should probably get some rest."

Then, he left. The door of the store opened, "did he left?" Harry asked.

"Yes, poor guy. I guess he wanted to tell me what happened earlier today but decided not to."

Harry sighed too. "Will he ever love someone as much as he loved Demetria? Or will he ever love someone more than he loved her?"

George shook his head. "I don't think so."

George and Harry stared at the retreating figure of the red head, his head hanging low as he kick the small rock away.

Ron never said it, but they knew that he was waiting for her. Whenever they go out to eat, Harry has Ginny, George has Angelina, Hermione was always busy with ministry work and Ron, Ron was left to stare at the two couples during those times, admiring how they stay in love. Wondering if that kind of love will ever come to him, but every time he thinks of it, only one person comes to his mind.

They would tell them to go and meet someone, try dating, but he would only tell him that it's not on his mind.

George and Angelina soon got married. Years passed, Harry and Ginny got married too. George is already expecting for his first child, but Ron, Ron stayed waiting for Demi.

Though there was no certainty, Ronald Weasley hoped for Demetria Ainsworth to come back. For five years, he wanted nothing but to see her again.

And today, he did saw her. But she's already married, she already have her own family.

Not that he wasn't happy for her, he is. But it still hurt, because now he realized that he should give her up. Now he's completely sure that it's impossible for them to be together again.

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