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Days, months passed. Ron and Demi's relationship became stronger. They made some new memories and became more comfortable with each other. Some might even call them as Gryffindor's power couple, though Demi didn't like it. Just like other couples, they fight sometimes but they will eventually make up.

Ron chuckled, "come on, there's nothing to worry about mum and dad."

Ron has told Demi that his mom invited her to come over to the Burrow at Christmas and Demi has never been so nervous in her whole life.

"they'll like you Demi," he scratched the back of his neck, "if anything, I should be nervous. My family is mental,"

Demi slapped his arm. "Stop saying that,"

Ron pursed his lips and nodded.

Every year Demi celebrates Christmas with her friends and their families. That's why she's still contemplating on whether to accept Mrs. Weasley's offer or not, she's also nervous about finally meeting Ron's parents.

Demi nodded her head and finally said "Fine,"

Ron smiled widely and kissed her cheek, "mum would be so happy to hear about this."

However, next morning during breakfast she didn't see any signs of Ron at all. There were no Harry and Hermione too. She was beginning to worry when an owl landed, crash landed, and it messed up the food on the table in front of her.

It's the Weasleys' owl, Errol.

She opened it and instantly recognize that chicken scratch handwriting. She chuckled.

Sorry. I didn't wake you up because I think you needed rest (after staying up almost all night to review for the O.W.L.s). Something bad happened to dad so we left Hogwarts in a hurry. This also means that we won't be spending Christmas at the Burrow anymore. Don't worry about me, I'm alright. Enjoy your holidays and please write back.

- Ron

"What? No I love you?" Flint said with a mouthful of food and was obviously reading Ron's letter.

Demi glared at him. He just shrugged, "Don't tell me you haven't told each other that yet?"

Then silence. Demi blushed. "Flint, we're too young to know what love is. Besides, that word is too dangerous."

Flint smiled, "tell me honestly then if it never crossed your mind?" Demi just sighed. She did. Her silence was enough for Flint. "Well, if you say so." He watched as Demi wrote her letter for Ron.

I'm so sorry to hear about that Ron. Are you sure you're okay? You do know that you can tell me anything right? Please always be careful. Tell your dad that I hope for his fast recovery.

- Demi

The day before Christmas, Demi decided to go into a mini concert not too far away from home to relax a bit. Plus Flint plays in that concert every year, so she wanted to support him.

She wore a black dress and black leather jacket.

So far, she found the mini concert fun. She sang along with her favorite songs and discovered new ones, and when it was Flint's band turn to play.. she watched him walked to the microphone.

"I want to greet a friend if you guys wouldn't mind," the crowd cheered. "She's a friend of mine." He chuckled and scanned the crowd, searching for someone. Demi froze in her spot when Flint stopped scanning the crowd and stared at her.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now