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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains sensitive materials about sexual harassment.⚠️

Days passed and everything just got worst. Flint was disappearing from time to time and Demi always told Aeacus to look for him instead of staying with her. The two guys were always discussing things and she didn't know what they were up to.

But she realized that maybe they didn't need her help or maybe they thought it will just be a burden to her so she let them pass.

But now it was getting to her, she was feeling more lonely. She misses Aster's annoyingness, Flint's antics, Aeacus' sassy remarks and Kris... she misses him the most. She wanted to forget about some things even for just a while.

She woke up in the middle of the night because of the same nightmare, she wiped her tears and exit the girl's dormitory. She decided to just sit at the kitchens tonight and maybe think. Flint was not in the tower yet.

"What are you doing here?" A voice asked. She groaned, not Weasley again. She wished. She was not in the mood to bicker with him right now.

She turned around and saw Cormac. "I should ask you that."

He chuckled and raised his right hand, he was holding a bottle of firewhiskey. "I came here to steal this, are you gonna report me for that?"

She huffed. "Not if you give me some."

He laughed, looking more interested than he's been before. "You surprise me." He sat beside her and opened the bottle, summoning two glasses. "I don't want to get in trouble so.. alright."

He poured the alcohol to each glasses, then offered it to her. Demi quickly took it from his hand and downed the drink. It burned but she felt good.

He looked surprised. "Slow down." And shook his head with a small smile in his face.

She didn't listen though, she poured herself another drink and downed it again. She desperately wanted to forget, wanted to feel numb, even for just a while.

Cormac tried starting up a conversation but she would just ignore it. She was beginning to become a little tipsy.

"I didn't know what you saw on Weasley. But at least you two are over now."

This caught her attention. Weasley. She laughed at herself. "Well, he was not so bad."

Memories of them together started on coming back to her. He was a great boyfriend. He made her so happy but also hurt her so bad.

The other Gryffindor squinted his eyes at her. "But you guys broke up. Why?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "He wanted to end it."

"So he dumped you?"

"I guess?"

Cormac let out an amazed sound. "I didn't know that, I always thought you dumped him. Not the other way around."

They had a few more drinks.

"He's a fool, I mean Ron." Cormac said but Demi couldn't quite understand it.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now