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Later that day, Ron and Demi decided to eat dinner together and after that, Ron ended up taking her home with their their fingers intertwined. They stopped in front of Demi's house.

They both looked like they didn't want to part just yet.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Ron finally said and Demi nodded to him.

"You will." Demi tiptoed and kissed his cheek. He smiled instantly but it all disappeared when he saw her getting out of balance. He placed his hands on her shoulders and scanned her worriedly.

"Are you alright?"

Demi smiled at him and nodded. "Yes.. just a little dizzy."

Ron knew she was not okay, she only wanted to show him that she's fine. So he nodded and held her arms, worried that she would collapse. "Let's get you inside, yeah?" He said to her in a gentle voice.

He took Demi to her bedroom and assisted her down her bed, then he sat beside her. Demi saw how worried he was, and how he looked like he's got so much to ask. She touched his cheek to stare at him. "What is it?"

"What happened? You were perfectly fine earlier." He placed his hand on her neck and forehead to feel her temperature but it was normal.

Demi smiled weakly. "It's just probably one of those days."

Ron looked even more confused. "What do you mean?"

"I started having these on fifth year after I went under the cruciatus curse." Ron felt a sting in his chest when he found out about that. Demi reached out to hold his hand. "It's nothing too serious, really. I just suddenly feel weak and dizzy sometimes, but it will be gone after I rest."

But his look didn't change, he was still worried and it's written all over his face. "Why, why do you look so relaxed about this matter? I'm so worried." Demi squeezed his hand in hers.

"Trust me, you don't have to. Flint and I has been experiencing this for years." She was trying so hard to assure him and that's when he realized that he should be the one doing that.

Ron flung his arms around her and hugged her gently, burying his face at the crook of her neck. He was so scared. He just got her back and he's so scared to lose her. But he knew it wouldn't make her feel any better, so he tried his best to hide it.

"You're not going to lose me again. You can't get rid of me that easily." Demi joked and hugged him back.

"I know," he mumbled with his lips on her hair. They stayed in the position for a while, loving the calm feeling they get from it.

"Stay with me for tonight?"

"You don't even have to ask." With that, they both lay on the bed.

Ron's arms were wrapped around Demetria while her head rested on his chest. He watched her sleep while he kept on stroking her hair gently and admiring her.

"You're so beautiful." He said even though he knew that she's already asleep by now.

"You never get used to it, don't you?" Demi said, still with her eyes closed. There was a hint of cheekiness in her voice.

"You look more beautiful in my arms." He replied, it was true. That's what he's been thinking for minutes now.

Sure, she looks beautiful at all times but she just looked more beautiful when she's in his arms. It looked like she belongs there and it just feels so right.

Demi opened her eyes and looked up to him, "Then I guess I'll just have to stay in your arms forever?"

Ron gave her that beautiful smile again. The most beautiful smile ever, she made a silent promise to herself to always be one of the reasons of those smiles.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now