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Potions. That's Demetria's first subject for the first day of sixth year. She sighed in relief when she found out that Aeacus had the same subject, not only Potions, but everything.

Aster and Malfoy was in the same class. But just like yesterday, the three friends didn't even look at each other's direction.

She didn't sleep well last night, thinking that there will be no Flint and Kris this year. No Aster too, he's close but it feels like he's so far. Yes, most of the time they annoyed her but she misses them. So much that it hurts. She shook her head and told herself to focus.

At least there would be no Ron in Potions.

She convinced herself.

Professor Slughorn was introducing himself and blabbering about something, whatever it is, she didn't know. She just stared lazily at her new potions professor, not really listening to what he was saying.

That's when Harry walked in.

Aeacus looked at her worriedly, she rolled her eyes. Of course, Ron will always be wherever Harry is. She almost scoff when the redhead stared at her once again. She furrowed her brows at him.

What does he want? Why do he keeps staring at me like that?

There was longing in his eyes. But just like yesterday, she refused to believe that. He used to look at her with so much love before, she made herself believe that he really loved her. Turns out, he didn't and she ended up heartbroken.

She won't be making the same mistake.

She adverted her eyes from him and listened to Professor Slughorn instead, after much scrambling of Harry and his friend, the discussion went on.

There were three potions in front of the professor and he explained each one of them to his students. What caught everyone's attention was Amortentia.

"And this is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them." Hermione explained.

"Now Amortentia doesn't create actual love, that would be impossible, but it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession. For that reason, it's probably the most dangerous potion in this room." All other girls were stepping closer to it, attempting to get a hold of it, when professor Slughorn placed the lid of the cauldron on top of it, they stepped back.

"Mister Cromwell, what do you smell?"

Aeacus thought hard before answering, "books sir,"

Professor Slughorn smiled at this, "well, it isn't a surprise. Seeing as you came from Ravenclaw." He stared at Demi and smiled at her. "How about you Miss Ainsworth?"

Everyone's eyes were on her once again and it's beginning to irritate her. She smelled a minty scent, something that's very familiar to her it gave her a homey feeling. "I smell.. flowers?" She lied.

The potions professor smiled once again, "I see, has anyone gave you any flowers in the past? You might be attracted to that certain someone Miss Ainsworth." He said then winked playfully at her.

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