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The students were already on the Great Hall, sorting hat was singing a song. However, Demetria wasn't paying any attention. Everyone was happy to be reunited with their friends, except her. She isn't a friendly one, so she barely had close friends from Gryffindor.

During third year, Demi's friends have managed to befriend many students from their own houses. It sometimes made her feel left behind. She never told them though, except Flint but he isn't in Hogwarts.

The sorting ceremony began but she couldn't care less, she just wanted it to be over. She didn't even spare a glance on the sorting ceremony. The students gasped but she still didn't pay any attention.

Not until Professor McGonagall called the last student to be sorted.

"Flint Vera,"

And there he was, scanning the hall while the sorting hat was being placed on his head.

        Flint Vera, both his parents are non-magic. He's Demi's bestest friend and human diary. He's as tall as Aster. His eyes were the same color of a leaf, he stares at you as if he can read you. His smile never fails to light up the room. He, just like Demi's other three guy friends, looks stunning.

         The student's chattering filled the Hall.

"He looks old enough to be a fifth year,"

"Who is that?"

"Blimey! He's hot,"

Demi looked at her three friends. Aeacus and Kris looked shocked. Aster nodded at her, confirming her assumptions that he must've known about this.

"I am glad to inform you that Mr. Vera will be one of our fifth years for this year." The chattering became louder. "For the past months he had been undergoing on different trainings and took some lessons that he had missed."

Hermione believed that she heard that name on the train earlier, she had known that this must be the guy that Demi and her friends was talking about earlier on the train. Demi's muggle boyfriend, as Aster says it. Demi's reaction confirmed it.

"Hmmmmm?" The sorting hat started, "Difficult, very difficult. Brave, loyal, patient and wise. You possess many traits from different houses. But I believe that there is one house that fits perfectly for you."

Flint was still scanning the room.

"Looking for Miss Ainsworth I see," this caused everyone to look at Demi, curious as to why she knew this new guy. Flint followed their gaze and there he saw Demi. He flashed a beautiful smile that every girl on the hall admired instantly. "Gryffindor!"

Then the Gryffindors cheered, mostly girls, as Flint walked towards their table. All eyes were on him. They expected him to sit with the first years but he went straight to Demi.

"Would you mind?" He asked the guy, who was sitting beside her, politely. The guy stood up and switch seats. Everyone was still staring at them. "I'm not a muggle, as Aster says, after all."

Demi scoffed and rolled her eyes, "you've got to be kidding me,"

Flint chuckled and ruffled her hair as he sat beside her. "I was gone because I had a lot of catching up to do, you see. I wanted to finish Hogwarts with you," then he looked over his shoulders to glance at his three other friends. "and those three idiots."

Demi couldn't suppress her smile anymore, it was a very genuine smile which astonished everyone. According to Aster, she only smiles like this whenever their group is complete. She couldn't stop herself from hugging him.

        Flint chuckled while hugging her back.

Her best friend explained how he discovered about his magic abilities. According to Professor Dumbledore, he was one of those few wizards that showed signs of magical abilities a little later than others.

"Welcome to Gryffindor mate!" A ginger guy exclaimed.

"Yeah, looking forward in doing mischiefs in the future with you," another ginger guy, who was identical to the first one, added.

"Oh, they're the Weasley twins. Fred and George." Demi introduced. Flint narrowed his eyes when he heard the word Weasley.

Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Ginny Weasley, Dean Thomas and others also introduced themselves.

"I'm Hermione Granger," another one introduced, "these are my friends, Harry Potter." Flint shook Harry's hand. "and Ron Weasley," Ron nodded at Flint.

Flint smiled a little, having heard of stories about Ron from Demi. Last year, Demi sent him letters about how this guy kept on giving her glares since the Yule Ball. A smirk appeared on Flint's face while he gave Demi a knowing look who just rolled her eyes. Demi rarely talks about other students at Hogwarts, so it entertained him how her best friend can't stop ranting about this guy. He thought that Ron Weasley must've been special to be able to get into Demetria Ainsworth's nerves.  He didn't even heard her rant about Malfoy like that, if it weren't for Aster he wouldn't have any idea how that Slytherin bullies his best friend.

As usual, a lot of food appeared on the table but Demi would only eat a little. She was shocked when someone put a huge amount of food on her plate. "Flint!"

"Eat lots will you?"

Demi just rolled her eyes but smiled. Flint is finally with her. This year will be a blast.

        When all students left the great hall to their respected towers, Demi and her four guy friends meet up on the corridor. Kris and Aeacus practically tackling Flint on the ground.

        "So that's why you're missing the whole summer huh? You could have told me!" - Kris

        "I bloody wanted to, but I figured it would be best for it to be a surprise. Aster reckons its a good idea." The three gave Aster death glares, he held his hands in the air.

        "Oi! Stop glaring! I was the one who put effort on finding him!"

        They exchanged jokes and bid goodbyes when they realized that its already time to part ways. Flint followed Demi to the Gryffindor tower, "I wasn't expecting you to make it to Gryffindor."

        Flint narrowed his eyes own her. "Gryffindor, where dwell those brave at heart." He wrapped his arm around Demetria. "To be honest, I didn't expect that you'd be this famous with guys here."

        Demi shot him look, "I'm not,"

        "Well, that's not what it looks like." He shrugged his shoulders as they entered a portrait. He didn't even had an idea that his friends were that famous in Hogwarts, so much that everyone had their eyes on them when they had a mini reunion earlier. The common room shocked him. Realizing that this must be the place where his best friend stayed for the past four years, he frowned. She must be so lonely. Everyone was chattering with their own friends before stopping to look at them.

         Demi has always find it hard to socialize with other people. She tends to push them away. Yes she dated guys before but she admitted to her friends that she felt nothing for them. No ones seems to get her interest. Same with making friends, she does talk to other students sometimes but not to the point wherein she let them grow on her. But she somehow get used at them staring at her.

        "That's the boys dormitory." Demi pointed into a door before sighing, tiredness was evident on her face. "Now, as much as I want to spend more time with you. I am aware that we have lots of time tomorrow. And I barely slept last night waiting for your letter." She narrowed her eyes at him.

       Flint chuckled. "Well, you're right." He leaned in to kiss her forehead. "Goodnight Demi."

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