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Thought so hard before publishing this chapter, I hope you like it (though I personally dont)



When Demetria closed the Boy's Dormitory door behind her, she was met by Harry.

"Demetria? What happened? I thought I heard screaming from the dormitory?" He asked. There was a sign of worry on his voice.

"Your best friend is an arse Harry. That's what happened!" Then she walked pass him and head to her dormitory.

She was again drowned in her own thoughts. Is it her fault that her boyfriend felt like she was embarrassed of him?

How can he say that? He doesn't even have any idea how much I fancy him.

She laid in her bed and stared at the ceiling. Her heart aching while Ron's words kept on replaying in her mind.

Ron groaned loudly, calling himself an idiot over and over again.

"What happened? Demetria is so upset," Harry said when he entered the room.

"We fought,"

"Well I think I know enough of that already, but what is it about?"

Ron buried his face to his pillow, "I don't wanna talk about it Harry,"

Harry shrugged and flopped down to his own bed. "Fine then,"

Ron sighed.

There was silence. Harry was still patiently waiting for his best friend to open up.

Then Ron sighed and piped up, "I was in potions class earlier. She paired up with Blais—"

"Oh so you were jealous?" Harry butted in.

Ron glared at him, "are you gonna let me finish or what?"

Harry nodded in defeat and moved his hand in a motion which tells Ron to continue.

Ron sighed and started talking again, "so something happened and they were laughing. My partner told me that he heard from someone that Blaise and Demi were dating."

Harry nodded, waiting for him to continue. But when Ron didn't speak again, he instantly knew that he was waiting for his reaction.

"Mate, don't tell me you two fought just because of this?" Ron didn't answer, "Ron! She rejected him, right?"

Ron huffed.

"You know she did that because she fancies you,"

"What if she changed her mind?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "well, she was searching for you during dinner. So...." he was rolling his eyes and shook his head. "I don't think so,"

Ronald huffed and buried his face in his bed sheet once again.


"What happened?" Flint asked her when he entered the common room and saw his best friend on the couch.

"He's jealous of Blaise," Demi huffed.

"Well, I can't blame him. You looked like a happy couple at potions earlier,"

Demi glared at him, "Flint, not you too." but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"What? Zabini likes you Demetria! Can't you see?"

"What are you talking about? He told me earlier that he wanted to stay as friends,"

"Well, it looks like he has more than friendship in his mind." Demi looked at him, surprised. That's exactly what Ron said. "What? He thinks you're single, so he flirts with you. Everyone thinks you're dating him and that's really irritating if I was Ron." Demetria stood up and marched to her dormitory, leaving Flint on the couch.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now