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Ron left the café trying so hard to leave the annoying Harry Potter who was trailing after him.

"It is true! I swear I saw her with my own two eyes!"

Ron rolled his eyes and placed his wand on his coat, he sighed. "I would've believed you already if only you haven't told me the same thing for the 9th time now in a span of five years, only for me to find out that you were kidding."

Harry groaned, thinking that he couldn't blame his best friend for not believing him.

"I know, I'm aware of that and I'm sorry. But now, I swear I'm serious!"

Ron halted and turned to face Harry. "Harry, I've got better things to do. There's been death eaters who escaped Azkaban since yesterday, no one has any idea where the bloody hell they are. Now, as head of the Auror department I believe that you shouldn't be bothering your employees like what you're doing to me now."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Are you just an employee to me? You're both my friend and family. Besides, I sent some aurors to hunt them down already."

"Any news from them?" Ron asked and was about to apparate.

"Just leave it to them Ron, you've been working non-stop for the past few wee—" Harry wasn't able to finish his sentence because there were some wizard who flew past them on a broomstick.

"Who the bloody hell uses their broom in the diagon alley?" Ron asked himself, seconds later two Aurors he knew flew past them too, him and Harry stared at each other, finally realizing who it was.

"That's one of them." Then they summoned their own broomsticks and followed after the three. When they were closer to the death eater Ron yelled out to Harry.

"Let's round him up! I'll take a turn here and meet him up front!"

"Good idea!"

At that Harry flew past the two aurors. "Is he armed?!"

The two aurors shook their heads. "We're not quite sure yet, sir."

"Ready your wands!"

Then, Harry saw Ron not too far away.

"Stupefy!" Ron casted before he himself fell off his broom after an abrupt halt. He used his hands to catch his body off the ground as he fell with a loud thud. "Ow!"

The death eater fell off his broom too and screamed in pain. Harry jumped off his broom and jerked his head to the death eater. "Arrest him and take him back to Azkaban." He told the two aurors as he made his way to his friend.

"Mate, are you alright?" He asked, jogging to his friend's place.

"Yes, yes." Ron said, chuckling a little. He looked at his hands and saw that he scraped it, he sighed, used his elbow to lift himself up before finally standing up. "I just scraped myself that's all."

He dusted himself off before finally letting his gaze fall to the death eater that they were chasing a while ago, he was now being cuffed by the other two Aurors. He sighed once again before looking around him just to see the wizards who were huddled up in the commotion.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now