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Demi chuckled and shook her head, surprised with what he had said. The old Ron could never say something like that and still look calm. He would've turned red right now, but instead he was staring at her calmly.

It amazed her, she wants to get to know more about his changes during those years.

Ron smirked when he saw her reaction, he was satisfied. He's been practicing those lines in his head for the past four hours.

"When did you learn to flatter a woman's heart with your words?"

Ron raised his eyebrows at her looking proud. "Why do you ask? I was born this way."

Demi scrunched her eyebrows and shook her head at him to show him that she doesn't agree.

Ron smiled at her reaction. "No? Ha, alright." He chuckled to himself too. "I left Hogwarts after the war and trained with Harry to be an Auror. Nothing much has happened for those five years for me."

Demi nodded as they walk together. "Anyway, I'm sorry for assuming that you and Aster were getting married."  

"It's alright, I think I understand why you assumed that." Ron watched as she smiled to herself.

"If you're not getting married with him, then who is he marrying?" Ron asked out of curiosity. "I mean, when you left, you two were together."

Demi shook her head and sighed. "I wouldn't say we were together. I almost lost Aster that year. His mother died and he was so lost. He confessed to me and I knew in myself that I love him too."

Ron just watched her. "But it isn't something romantic, really. It's like, loving someone who's been with you throughout your whole life and not wanting them to get hurt. Aster soon realized the difference between the two. He met someone and fell in love." She was smiling, while being reminded of the time she watched her friend fall in love.

"So in love, if you ask me. I'm really happy for him, he's got Kian now. And he's getting married."

"Yeah, who would've thought that Aster will be the first one to get married? He was a playboy."

Ron said while picturing the five best friends together. Back in 5th year, he always thought that Kris would be the first one to start a family. Aster looked like he would stay single forever.

But fate has its own plans.

"and I was really convinced that he's been in love with you for his whole life."

Demi couldn't stop giving a playful remark with what he said. "Well, we can't really blame him if that was the case, can we?"

The redhead chuckled and stared at the woman in front of him. "You're right, we can't."

Because I've also been in love with you for what feels like my whole life. He stared at her with that thought.

Demi expected him to roll his eyes and disagree with what he just said, so she couldn't help but blush from his reply. He was also staring at her gently, which made her blush even more.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now