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        It was dinner on the Great Hall and everyone were excited for tomorrow. They were going to Hogsmeade and some guys has invited the girls they like to come with them.

        "Is Hogsmeade a famous dating spot here?" Flint asked.

         "Sorta," Harry said, "did you ask someone you like?"

         Flint placed his arm around Demi, "I'll just go with Demi,"

         Demi shook her head, "I'm not going," Flint frowned at this.

        "Why not?" All four of them said in sync.

         "Aeacus invited me to study with him for the upcoming O.W.L.s,"

        "What? Come on you need to tour me around Hogsmeade!"

        "I'm not your tour guide, go ask Aster or Kris."

        "Aster will surely bring a girl and Kris will be out with his Hufflepuff friends."

        "Demi we have a lot of Saturdays to study for the O.W.L.s, can't you really go?" Hermione asked.

        "Yeah and we wanted to ask you guys to come with us," Ron said while he has a mouthful of food

        Demi rolled her eyes at him but with a smile. "Weasley, can you not talk when your mouth is full?"

        Ron smiled and shrugged,

        "Well, if you ever change your mind. We'll be at Hog's Head tomorrow." Harry said before standing up.

         Hermione followed, Ron quickly ate all of his remaining food before following them. He stood up but stopped to look at Demi. "See you tomorrow Ainsworth," then he ran after his best friends.

         "You know, I'm still not used to it. Seeing how you and Ron suddenly became friendly to each other." Flint said while watching Ron go and sighed, "but who cares? I want to go to Hogsmeade with you!"

        "I'm not going Flint, just go with the trio!"


         The next day, after everyone had gone to Hogsmeade, Aeacus came knocking on the Gryffindor's common room. Saying that he has more important things to do and then left immediately before Demi can say anything.

        It was unusual, knowing that there were no other things more important than studying for Aeacus. It makes her wonder what it was.

        Demi soon changed into her casual clothes and went on her way to Hogsmeade. She felt bad for Flint, knowing that he must've been on his own because he didn't want to feel left behind by the Golden Trio. She scanned the area looking for her friend but he was nowhere to be found.


        She looked behind her and saw a red-haired boy running to her.

       "It's weird seeing you without your best friends."

         He smiled, "well, same to you." he looked at her through his hair, it was blocking his eyes. "So, what changed your mind?"

         "Aeacus said he had something more important to do," then she looked right and left. "So I thought I'll just go here and accompany Flint but he's nowhere to be found. Have you seen him?"

         Ron pursed his lips, dug his hands on his pockets and shook his head.

          Demetria chuckled, "how can you see him?" She walked closer to him, "this thing is covering your eyes." Then she brushed his hair a little to the side. "I wouldn't hide my eyes if they're that beautiful."

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now