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Everyone was having their breakfast at the Great Hall. They were all expecting to receive letters, but there aren't any.

"Isn't it strange? There hasn't been any mails since yesterday." Hermione said. Harry turned his attention from his food to Hermione.

"Yeah," He said before turning to Ron. "Aren't they back yet? They were supposed to be back yesterday."

Ron stopped eating before shrugging. "Maybe they stayed for another day." He looked up, waiting for any signs of Demi's owl. "I'm sure they'll be back tomorrow." He said, though it sounded like he wanted to convince himself rather than his friends.

Days passed, letters have finally arrived. But there was still no signs of the five friends. Ron was waiting to receive a letter. He sent one for Demi last night asking if she was okay, demanding for an explanation but all he got was a newspaper.

A grey owl landed in front of Hermione.

"Whose it from?"

Hermione shrugged, "Aeacus or Flint maybe, I sent them a letter last night and asked why they're not back yet." she opened the letter and she was right. It was from Aeacus. Harry and Ron waited for her to finish reading the letter.

"Well?" — Harry

"It says they're just taking care of some things and won't be back for the next two weeks."

"Next two weeks? How about their O.W.L.s?" Harry asked. Ron nodded in agreement, still wondering why Demi isn't writing him back.

They are now in the dungeons for potions, they sat on their seats while waiting for professor Snape.

"I sent a letter to Demi last night, why isn't she writing back?" Ron finally asked Harry, he was about to answer him when Seamus heard this and decided to give a cheeky comment.

"maybe being apart from you made her realize she likes Aster more than you, mate." He smirked.

Seamus has been giving him plenty of remarks like this since last month. He knew he was only joking, but Ron couldn't take it anymore. He stood up from his seat and slammed his fist on his table before walking towards his fellow Gryffindor. "Shut your mouth, Seamus!"

Everyone stopped their chattering as
Hermione and Harry scrambled up to stop Ron from lunging at Seamus. Harry blocked him from advancing any further and Hermione pulled his arm back.

"Ron, he's only joking!" — Hermione

"I've had enough of this arsehole blabbering nonsense!"

"Come on mate, it was a joke." Seamus said which made him calm down a little. He sighed before deciding to let him go.

"What's wrong Weasley? Scared of Aster stealing your girl away?" Malfoy butted in.

"Stay out of this Malfoy." Harry warned.

Draco didn't listen to him though, he chuckled, "Well, you should be. After all, who are you compared to Aster Birkenhead?"

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