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Every student stood in front of the corpse of their headmaster, Harry Potter wasn't one of them. After a while, Harry arrived and made his way through his late Headmaster.

Harry kneeled and closed Professor Dumbledore's eyes, he took the locket. And rested his hand on the Headmaster's chest. Ginny went to him and hugged him.

Sadness was evident on everyone's faces. Everyone was shocked. The atmosphere was gloomy due to the spell that Bellatrix has casted. Professor McGonagall raised her wand and lighted it, in an attempt to make the mark of the death eaters disappear. Then, everyone followed. Everyone held their wands, as a sign of respect  and mourning to the Hogwarts' Headmaster. Slowly, the mark disappeared.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other, their gaze held pity. It was unfair for Harry Potter. He lost Sirius a year ago, and now he lost Dumbledore too. 

After Dumbledore's death, the news has earned panic from all the parents of the students that's why everyone were forced to go home. Demi and Ron were too occupied to even think of talking to each other.

Weeks later, after Dumbledore's death..

Dear Demi,

Hi, I know we've separated ways without a proper goodbye. And I still have things that I want to talk with you. I have some things that I need to do as a friend and I hope that I get to see you first before doing it, since I'm not sure if I'll ever get the chance again.

I know that I shouldn't think of these kind of things at times like this. After a lot of contemplating, I have finally decided to write to you.

I'm not sure if you've forgiven me already. But I just don't want to regret not having to try. If you think that you can still forgive me, if you think you're willing to work this out. Please meet me at the Diagon Alley Cafe on August 1, 9:00 in the evening. I will be waiting for you. But if you chose not to go, I'll know then that that should be enough for me to realize that I should give up this dream of mine.

If you decided not to go, I just want to say... everything we've had, I'll treat it as my treasure. I've already let go of the bad memories as I chose to hold on to the good ones. Thank you, for being part of my life Demetria Ainsworth. I will never forget the way you light up a room whenever you smile, or how happy it made me feel to hear your laughs. How contented I was when you looked at me as if I am something, when I thought I was nothing.

Till we meet again, whether in the Diagon Alley or not, I wish you happiness and safety.

With love,

Ron exhaled deeply after he wrote the letter. Harry just attempted to leave last night, he would've gone alone if he weren't able to stop him. The three of them finally agreed to hunt for the horcruxes.

He knew it was wrong, to think about love at times like this. But he just wants to try before they leave, he doesn't want to regret not trying while they are on the hunt for the horcruxes.

"Mate, are you alright?" Harry asked him when he saw his friend blankly staring at the parchment in front of him.

"I.. yes, yes."

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