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Ron woke up alone, he scanned the whole room but he can't find her. There was a letter on the chair

I left early, I didn't want anyone to get suspicious. I have lots of hickeys, thanks to you (please take note of the sarcasm). See you.

- Demi

He couldn't stop himself from smiling. He shook his head before he quickly changed into his clothes as the bed and other stuffs in the Room of Requirements disappeared. He checked the time and it's already time for breakfast. He ran fast to their common room. Where he saw Harry standing alone in their dormitory, his hands were on his hips.

"Great! You're here, where have you be—" he stopped when he saw Ron smiling like there's no tomorrow. He squinted his eyes at him. "Oh let me guess, you guys are okay now?"

Ron nodded and shook his head in disbelief. He took a shower, changed and went to eat breakfast as fast as he could. He wanted to see his girlfriend, however, Demetria was not there.

"She's at arithmancy with Hermione," Flint said who was now leaving the table, now it's just Harry and Ron on the Gryffindors' table.

"Sweet of you to wait for me Harry," Ron said while smiling widely.

Harry found it weird and faced his best friend. "Tell me. Why are you smiling like a mad man Ron? I'm scared that you might rip your face."

Ron furrowed his brows, "what? I'm happy because we're good again."

Harry eyed him suspiciously. Ron seems so happy this morning. "No, it's not just that."

Ron gulped and continued eating his food, he tried to ignore Harry but he failed. Harry was still staring at him with narrowed eyes and he found it very uncomfortable. "What?"

"Oh nothing," Harry said. "I just don't believe that's the only reason why you're smiling from ear to ear today."

"Stop being so nosy and go find yourself a girlfriend Harry." Ron said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Harry stared at him in disbelief. "I can't believe you just told me that." Ron shrugged his shoulders.

They stayed there waiting for their next class period since they were not able to attend their first class.

They finished two subjects and went to eat lunch. He was walking in the middle of the great hall when a hand slip into his, his first instinct was to pull his hand away but when he felt the familiarity of the hand, he turned to look at the person who owns it.

He smiled when he saw her. It was Demi. She was holding his hand inside the great hall. Soon, they gained everyone's attention. Everyone looked at them, some gasping and some whispering to each other. Both had a different reactions.

Ron was sure that he heard groans from guys and it made him grin. This was it.

They know she's his.

Of course there were bad comments from the Slytherin table.

"Really? A Weasley? Ainsworth must have gone crazy!"

"Come on! You can do better than that!"

But Aster shot them a look, reminding them that Weasley is his best friend's boyfriend. And no one, no one had the right to talk badly about her.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what are you doing?" Ron asked while grinning, completely ignoring all the negative comments and everyone's reaction.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now