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Eating out after work, drinking on Friday nights and having lunch together. That's what Demi and Ron has been doing for the past two weeks.

Ron would wait for Demi to finish work and they will eat dinner together, he would appear in her workplace to take her to lunch or bring her some snacks, which of course, benefited the other healers. He was there almost everyday, that's why the other healers started to call him as Demi's boyfriend, in which the redhead only smirks on, not even bothering to deny it.

Ron thinks it's all going well, so he's confused why the hell Harry was complaining.

"Two weeks and still no progress?" Harry said while they were out, hunting another dark wizard.

Ron only looked at him. "No progress? We held hands a few days ago,"

His best friend scoffed at him while they continue to walk as they search the area. "Held hands? Five years you didn't see each other and you guys just held hands?" there was disbelief in his voice.

The redhead chuckled as his eyes still wandered their surroundings, searching the place.

He threw a look to Harry. "I don't know why you're so concerned with my love life."

Harry stared back at him with his arms crossed in his chest. "You know why? Because I just don't understand, you clearly have feelings for each other so why wait??"

"I want to take it slow. Besides, it's fun. It's like having a new start." He placed his hands on Harry's shoulders. "So stop, will you? We've got a bloody dark wizard to catch, we've been looking for him for days now."

Now, there were two roads in front of them. "Let's split." With that, he left to go to the other side.

It's Saturday, Ron was standing on Demi's doorstep. He pressed the doorbell and he heard her saying "Coming!"

Ron stood there, fiddling with his fingers. Patiently waiting for her. When the door opened, he finally saw her wearing a navy blue button down dress that looks perfect on her.

He automatically smiled at her. "Hey,"

She returned his smile instantly. He was wearing a simple black shirt and red plaid long sleeves. It brought her back to the past. "Hey,"

She stepped out of her house to face him. "So, where to?"

Ronald only smirked at her, "We'll be meeting someone who's been wanting to see you." With that, he held her wrist and tugged her with him to leave.

Demi giggled at this, feeling excited. Trudging off with him. Suddenly, they heard the door open behind them.

"12:00 midnight. Bring her back by then!" Someone shouted and Demi sighed to herself. Trying to calm down herself.

"What am I, 16?!" She said as she turned around. Finding Aster standing at the door with his right hand leaning on the door frame.

Ron only laughed at this and nodded. "Sure!"

Demi turned back to him to glare at him, he laughed once again. Aster waved his left hand at them as the two walked off to leave.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now