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The night of the ball was already over. Everything was back to normal at breakfast. Students sat with books in front of them to study for their O.W.L.s.

Ron, was not one of them. He just kept staring at his girlfriend from across the table who was busy with her book.

"Ron, she'll melt." Harry said.

But Ron didn't mind. They haven't told anyone yet about their relationship. Demi told Ron how she hated PDA and how she didn't want people to talk about their relationship too much. Which Ron respected.

Demi looked up from her book to Ron. "Ron, you should be studying."

"You should be eating, this is not the library." he rebutted, he once again placed food on Demi's plate and looked at her with a pleading look. "Eat,"

She sighed, dropped her book and ate.

Harry, Hermione and Flint exchanged looks. The two of them has been smiling from ear to ear since they woke up and they knew something was up.

"fire away," Demi said without even looking at the three, she knew they had something to ask.

And as if they've been waiting for her to say this. "Where were you last night?" Harry instantly asked.

"Ron where were we last night?"

Ron gulped and smiled. He remembered them kissing at the "astronomy tower,"

"So..." Flint trailed off.

"We're together," Demi said and looked at Ron. They both smiled sweetly at each other. Then the three instantly knew what 'together' means.

"Together?" Hermione asked to make sure. "You mean, you two are now dating?"

The two of them nodded. Flint and Harry sighed in relief and Hermione giggled.

"Well, it's about time." - Flint

"Yeah," Ron whispered.

Hermione, Harry and Flint soon left together with the other students. Demetria was still reading her book and Ron was still watching her.

"Are you really going to just stare at me the whole time?" she asked not bothering to look at Ron.

Ron turned red and looked down. Even though he had the right to stare at her, he can't stop feeling embarrassed of getting caught. In fact, he didn't know how to act as a boyfriend. Demetria is his first girlfriend, he didn't want to disappoint her knowing that she had dated a few before him. He didn't have any idea of being in a relationship.

Demetria stopped reading when he didn't reply, she looked at him. "Hey," he looked like he was thinking out loud. "Ron," she reached for his hand which gained his attention. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," she stared at him, she knew he was thinking about something but she let it go.

She leaned across the table brushed his hair up and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. "Come on,"

They went to potions together.

It was already midnight but Ron was still in the couch of the Gryffindor's common room, drowning on his thoughts. He heard footsteps and turned to check who it was, his heart fluttered. It was Demi, she was rubbing her eyes. "Why are you still up, Ron?"

She sat beside him, "Come on, I know something's been bugging you. Tell me," she took his hands on hers.

"Y-you're my first girlfriend."

Demi grinned and kissed his cheeks, "I think I know that already." She said this to make him smile, but she failed to do so. She stared at him with seriousness now.

"I don't want to mess this up. I might not be good enough for you. I don't bloody know how to be in a relationship."

Demi cupped his face, "Ron, just be yourself. You're more than enough already." and with that, she kissed him lovingly. It started slow. There lips were moving in sync, both of their eyes closed. Ron slowly laid her back on the couch without breaking the kiss.

He mimicked Demi and separated her lips to slip his tongue between her lips. Running his hands up and down her arms. He was now hovering her. Demi smiled into the kiss.

What started as a slow kiss turned into a fiery one. He pulled away to stare at her. "I really like you a lot,"

They both stared at each other. Their eyes saying a million words that they both couldn't say.

"I like you too, alot," Demi said before pulling him by his neck to continue the kiss. Ron pulled his lips away from hers and started to kiss her chin, jaw and down to her neck, this sent shivers on Demi's spine. They were both lost in the moment, not really caring where they were and who will see them. Ron's hand fiddled at the buttons of Demi's shirt when something fell and they both turned at the direction where the sound came from. They saw Fred and George standing by the door, looking like they just came back from sneaking out.

"Oops," they said in sync.

Demi and Ron blushed. They looked like deers caught in the headlights.

"I didn't know you're that aggressive ickle Ronniekins," Fred winked.


They both ran to their dormitory while snickering.

"Those idiots," Ron whispered. He looked back at Demi. "Sorry I got carried away." Demi nodded and pulled him to lay with her in the couch, she then snuggled her head on his chest. Ron wrapped his arms around her and sighed. At that moment he knew that there was nothing to worry about, as long as Demi fancies him. He hoped that it will last, because he knew that what he was feeling for her is more than just 'fancy', he knew that his feeling will never fade and if it does, it will take a long time. He just know. He buried his face on her hair and took in her vanilla scent.

Demi enjoyed her boyfriend's warmth and most especially, his scent. He smelled like mint. She found this very relaxing and felt familiarity with it. Then she realized, home isn't a place, it's a feeling. It's where she is right now. With Ron. Home.

They talked for hours about themselves, mostly Ron asking Demi about the past guys she dated, he was surprised to know the guys she used to date, he never really noticed this. Demi said that she hated attention so they never really displayed public affection with her. Ron would also tell her about all the things that he went through with his best friends, Demi was always laughing, especially when Ron started talking about spiders.

"So if a spider tries to eat me, you won't even try to save me?"

Ron suddenly looked pale, "let's just hope it doesn't happen,"

Demi laughed and slightly slap his arm. He gave her a smile before kissing her cheeks, "I'm joking, of course I will!" Then he peppered her face with kisses, "I might even cut all of it's legs if it bloody attempt to hurt you."

Demi smiled and hugged his neck. "You fancy me that much?"

"Yeah, that bloody lot Demetria."

They talked and talked until Demi decided that it was time to go to sleep. Ron kissing her forehead before parting ways.


HI! Sorry I stopped updating bc I thought no one was reading it anymore but now I've decided to finish this book no matter what bc I already have a plot on my head. So to those of you who were patient enough to wait for That Redhead, thanks! Please vote and most importantly, leave a comment! It will be highly appreciated♥️ xx

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