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Ron groaned and buried his face on the book in front of him. "I can't believe you dragged me in here, tomorrow's the annual ball and you still thought of studying for those stupid O.W.L.s,"

Hermione pulled the book and Ron's face landed on the table.

"Ow!" He caressed his face, "honestly Hermione, you're being too violent!"

A pair of footsteps gained their attention, Aeacus was walking towards a table not too far from them and he was dragging Demetria with him. Ron scrambled to sit straight and pretended that he was reading the book that Hermione pulled earlier. Hermione rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh, Granger." Aeacus said with a blank expression on his face, "Weasley," then he nodded at him. Demi smiled at the two before walking towards a table once again.

All through out their stay there, Ron was stealing glances from her. He would pretend to ask Hermione about something but his eyes were never on whatever she's writing in a small parchment of paper, they were on her, Demi.

"Ronald Weasley! Could you please listen?!" Hermione angrily whispered. He reluctantly took his eyes off her as he sighed.


This caught Aeacus and Demi's attention.

"Gryffindors are so loud," Aeacus said dryly, "I can't even focus."

Demi glared at him. "I'm a Gryffindor,"

He looked at her and shrugged his shoulders. "Seriously, I do not know why you've been sorted to that house. I think you'll fit perfectly in Ravenclaw,"

"Is that a compliment?"

He raised his eyebrows, "maybe," then he returned his gaze to the book that he was reading. "I brought you here to study and not to steal glances from Weasley."

Demi froze as her face turned slightly pink.

"Are you blushing?" Aeacus smiled widely, "you're blushing!" He shook his head, "I don't think I've ever seen you blush for a boy before!" Demetra hit his arm.

"Ow!" He grimaced. "Now I'm convinced, you're totally a Gryffindor,"


Ron turned to look at them again. "Why is she blushing?"

Hermione looked at Demi, "I don't know."

He stared jealously at them before blocking his sight of them with a book, putting on a grumpy face.


"What are you talking about?" Demi asked.

Aeacus rolled his eyes, "come on, I'm not an idiot Demetria. I know you fancy him."

She blushed even more, "I don't know what you're talking about," she focused her eyes on reading the book in front of her.

"I think he fancies you too, he might've asked you to the ball if you didn't say yes to Zabini,"

"No, he already asked Hermione. It's obvious he likes her," then she stared at them before returning her gaze to her book.

Aeacus grinned, she sounded jealous. "and you said you don't fancy him." He chuckled, finding this entertaining. Demetria Ainsworth was never jealous, not until now. "You're jealous Demi."

She huffed. "I'm not,"

Aeacus rolled his eyes once again, "only a daft would believe you." Then they heard footsteps approaching. "Like that one," he nodded his head to a direction of a walking Aster.

He, with a mischievous grin, walked to them. "What are you doing in the library?"

"Studying," Aeacus said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He leaned his elbows on the table and narrowed his eyes on his friend. What is he doing in the library? Why is he grinning like that? He and Demi knew that Aster is never up to something good when he wears that stupid grin. "Why are you here? I don't usually see you here, what are you up to?"

Aster's grin widened. "I'm going to ask Granger to go to the ball with me." he stared at her, "can you imagine what the Weasley's reaction will be like?"

Demi looked at him as if telling him not to. She remembered asking him to go with her instead but he said he's already going with someone. She glared at both boys realizing that they've lied to her about having dates already.

"It was Kris," both boys said which made her sigh.

"Well, I hate to break it to you but he already asked her and she said yes,"

His face fell, "what?," he scoffed. "That's a shame." He scanned the whole library to search for other potential targets. He seemed to have found one because his mischievous grin reappeared on his face. "I gotta go, study well so I can copy of you." Then he disappeared.

"See? Even Aster thinks Ron likes her,"

Aeacus gave her a disgusted look. He flicked her forehead, earning a glare from her. "He's Aster, he doesn't know anything at all." He looked over Demi's shoulder, "oh look, another idiot."

She turned around and saw Flint. She smiled sarcastically, "oh wow, so we're having a meeting here? Where's Kris?"

Flint ignored this, "Why are you still here? Aeacus, she was suppose to have her beauty sleep!" He exclaimed, gaining everyone's attention.

The two hushed him, "can you lower your voice? This is the library!" Aeacus stared at Demi's face. "Besides, it's not like she needs it anyways."

Flint threw his head back, sighing, before leaning a little closer to his friends to whisper something. "She does, if she wants to look beautiful for a certain..." he scanned the library and spotted a redhead, "someone."

Demi rolled her eyes but Flint has already pulled her up from her chair. "Ciaó," then she was practically dragged out of the library. Aeacus was grinning like an idiot. Well, maybe Flint wasn't an idiot after all.

"Seriously, what make you guys think that you could just drag me whenever you like? If my father is still alive he—"

"It's for your own good, now come on."


"I can't imagine how hard it is to have four guy best friends with different personalities," Hermione said after seeing Demi being dragged out of the room. "I can't even handle you and Harry."

Ron just shrugged and stood up. "I've got to go Hermione,"


Then he disappeared. Hermione sighed in disbelief and looked back to the table where Demi was sitting minutes ago, she saw Aeacus, still with his blank stare. She sighed, maybe she'll have to study with him.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now