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"So, are you going to celebrate the holidays at the Grimmauld Place again?" Harry asked Ron.

Since fifth year, the Weasleys has been staying at the Grimmauld Place. Ron shook his head. "no, mum and the others already went back last night."

"At the burrow?"

Ron nodded. "I really wish mom wouldn't go over my stuffs."

Harry chuckled. "Yeah, you wish."

After Demi and Ron's encounter, they never spoke to each other again. And it's been months since that happened. Ron doesn't stare at her any longer, Demi was more happy but something was still up with her.

Everytime they bump into each other, they just give the other their cold shoulders. That night served as their closure because they were able to express whatever they felt after their break up. Well they didn't get to express it all, but at least they talked.... if that was even considered as one.

It was obvious to everyone. Whenever Demi or Ron entered a room with the other one inside, one of them tends to leave the room immediately. Well, except in class, great hall and common room.

It was holidays at the burrow, Harry and Hermione stayed and celebrated there.

Ron was thankful that his mom didn't enter his room just yet, because if she did, he would receive an earful from her.

Ron and Harry took their things to Ron's bedroom, slightly brushing off the dusts that formed. It's been more than a year since Ron came back to this place and he missed it.

Harry slipped to the floor when he stepped foot on a little ball, the redhead laughed at him. "How many fish you got, mate?"

The chosen one then glared at him and lifted himself up. "Shut up." but before he can fully stand he found a letter under Ron's bed. He reached for it and stood up.

"Hey Ron? How long has it been there?" He dusted it off.

Ron turned around and saw his best friend holding a letter. He furrowed his brows not knowing who it was from. "I don't know."

He took it from Harry and started opening the letter.

Dear Ron,

After he read that, he knew instantly who it came from. It's her handwriting.

"Who's it from, mate?" Harry asked, a little concerned when he saw his friend's face changed.


Dear Ron,

Sorry I left without saying goodbye. I was just too upset with you giving me the cold shoulder, and I'm just tired of us arguing over the same things again and again. I should've said goodbye, I know... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left without making up with you. Kris and I talked and he gave me some advice so I'm willing to fix everything when I come home, which is tomorrow. I can't wait to see you and hear your stories about how your day was while I was gone.

The four idiots and I had a lot of fun! Playing quidditch and exchanging jokes all the time. Though Aster is getting a bit out of control... well he's Aster so I think that's normal. We bond with our Aunts too! Kris' mom, Aeacus' Aunt and Mrs. Birkenhead are here, so we were all well fed. Oh how I wish you get to taste their dishes! It's one of the greatest that I've tasted.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now