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The five friends were hanging out in, as Aster calls it, their hide out. The room of requirement.

Aster was sleeping on the sofa. Aeacus sat on the floor while he leans his back on the sofa, he was explaining something to Kris who was sitting beside him and scratching his head. Demetria was playing the keyboard that the room gave them while Flint was intently watching her.

Then the door opened, they all looked in shock, no one has ever opened that door before, except them. They soon found Neville, Harry, Hermione and Ron standing by the door.

"Bloody hell," Ron said. "Why are you here?"

"We should be asking you that," Aster said, his eyes squinting. He yawned and rubbed his right eye. "How did you find our hide out?"

"Your hide out?" Hermione asked. "You mean, you've found this place a long time ago?"

"Where do you think we spend most of our free times?" Aeacus said before closing the book. "Looks like you weren't expecting to see us here, this must've something to do with your meeting at the Hog's Head."

The golden trio glanced at Longbottom, "they were not here when I found this place!" he defended.

Demi and Flint stood up and walked closer to their visitors. Aeacus, Kris and Aster soon followed. The sofa and keyboard disappeared. Ron was red again, having remembered what happened between him and Demi a few days ago. They never really had the chance to talk about it yet.

"Now, you either tell us what your meeting was all about or you get out of here right now." - Aster

Harry exchanged looks with Hermione. "We should tell them,"

"Are you serious? They're with a Slytherin!" Ron disagreed, his redness disappearing.

Aster stepped up to go and punch him, he hated how it sounded like an insult, but Aeacus held him back. "Don't be stupid now."

He huffed and stepped back. "Fine, but one more word from that weasel and I swear Aeacus, I'll break his face."

"Ron, we were planning on recruiting them at first anyway. Besides, their fathers were members of the order of the phoenix," she glanced at Harry. "go on Harry."

Harry breathed in. "I'm going to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts."

Aster laughed, "you? Look Potter—" Demi glared at him making him purse his lips.

"Voldemort is out there," when Harry said that, their facial expressions changed, even Flint's, he knew what happened to his friends' fathers. "Now we don't know what will happen soon and we can't expect Umbridge to teach us. We must learn basic spells to protect ourselves."

"We thought, Harry can teach us. He knows some really helpful spells." - Ron

The five shared looks with each other.
"What? Are you really buying this? Yes, he's Harry Potter but what does he knows that we don't?" Aster argued.

"He did saw and fought Voldemort in the flesh last year, Aster." Aeacus tried to reasoned. "He must really know quite a lot of defensive spells considering he's still alive,"

There was a moment of silence. Aster pondered on what Aeacus has said. He was, as usual, right and he hated it. They, again, stared at each other and remembered what happened to Demetria when she was in detention with Umbridge. Maybe this was their chance to get back at her. They looked back at Harry and nodded. "We're in." Demi said.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now