My Redhead

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Aster's wedding was months ago. Everything went smoothly and there were no major problems in Demi and Ron's relationship.

Another good thing that came out from their relationship is, her friends never showed up uninvited again in her house. Because according to Flint, they didn't want to walk in on them doing something... though there's no way that it would ever happen. Now, they would tell her they're coming first, before actually going to her house.

It was a peaceful afternoon, Demetria sat in front of her piano in the living room of her house. Playing songs while she hum in content. She smells the strong aroma of her coffee that was placed in her table beside the piano.

She feels so good today despite of getting drunk last night.

They had a long night. Everyone gathered in the Birkenhead's new manor for a house warming party. It was only the four best friends, the golden trio and George, with their partners. The last thing she remembers is drinking her second glass. She couldn't really remember anything that happened after that or how she ended up in her bed the next morning.

She was busy playing the piano when she heard someone dragging their feet towards her. She looked over her shoulders and smiled instantly when she saw her boyfriend walking towards her, he was having a hard time on keeping his eyes open.

Oh right. When she woke up, she saw Ron sleeping beside her in her bed. He probably had to take her home yesterday because of her drunk state and was too tired to go home.

He managed to keep his right eye open to see where he was going. He sat beside Demetria and wrapped his arms around her, as he bury his face at the crook of her neck.

Demi giggled at his action.

He stayed silent for a while, enjoying the sound of the piano.

Finally, he spoke. "Why did you leave me in bed? You should've woke me up."

He said with his mouth in her neck, he sounded like he was pouting.

He was too cute.

"You look like you needed it," She said.

It's true. But that's not the only reason why she left him there. He looks too peaceful and she didn't want to disturb him.

Her boyfriend hummed once again, she pulled away because it  tickled her. "Stop it,"

"I couldn't sleep last night." He said in a low voice.

Ron sighed and sat straight to stare at her, she didn't mind his stare on her and just continued to play the song. Little did she know that her boyfriend was waiting for her to look back at her and when he grew impatient, he decided to use force. He took her hands off the piano keys and placed his fingers under her chin to gently pull her head to face him.

Demi raised her eyebrows at him while he stared in her lips. He started to lean in, wanting to kiss her. But Demi placed her hand over his lips and pushed him away, much to his dismay. "You didn't even brush your teeth yet!"

He looked shocked and frowned for a moment. He tried to remove her hand that was covering his lips but she wouldn't budge. So, decided to kiss her palm repeatedly and she yelped. She quickly took her hand off and he smirked at her reaction.

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now