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"Ah, I finally get to bring someone with me at Hogsmeade other than Harry and Hermione." Ron said happily.

Demi giggled.

They are currently at the three broomsticks having their first date together. There were no other students there, which was perfect.

Ron said that it was his treat but Demi insisted that she would pay for her drinks, she knew how financially unstable the Weasleys are, she didn't want Ron to waste money on her. Besides, she'll surely drink lots of butterbears.

Ron stared at her. "How are you so beautiful?" He just said out of nowhere. This made Demi smile. Ron would always say things like this spontaneously and it always made her heart flutter.

"Ron, enough of the bloody compliments."

"What? I can't even tell my girlfriend that she's beautiful?" His girlfriend. Ever since they had that talk at the common room, Ron became more confident and would always, unconsciously, call her 'his'.

"Oh of course you can, but you already said that five times in just a span of 10 minutes."

"Well, if you keep smiling like that every time I tell you you're beautiful... I could say it all day."

She smiled and shook her head. How can he easily make her heart flutter? No one has ever had this effect on her before. And no, she's not telling him this.

"Well look at this," Demi closed her eyes, she knew exactly whose voice it was. "You didn't even bother to tell me about this Demi!"

Of course, it was Aster.

Kris chuckled, "calm down Aster, little Demi has found herself a boyfriend." he shook his head while staring at the two. "How did I not see this coming?"

They sat beside Ron. Kris put an arm over his shoulders. Aeacus examined him with his eyes from head to toe. Aster glared at him. While Flint, well... he was enjoying this. He had only heard of things like this during summer, he didn't know how awful it was in person.

Ron gulped. He heard some news about what happens to every boy that Demi dated. And it's mostly the reason why they all broke up with her. They get pranks from Aster, a quidditch duel with Kris and an hour of questioning at the library with Aeacus. The three of them were looking at him as if they were judging him, they acted like Demi's older brothers.

"Guys, shut it." Demi said.

"Alright boys, let's leave him be." - Aeacus

Aster looked at him in horror, "what? This guy took points from our houses!"

"Well, we were sneaking out and he caught us," Kris reasoned.

"You can't be serious!" He turned to look at Flint. "You! How about you? You're staying at the same tower with him, are you okay with this?"

"Er, he's... good I think?"

Aster rolled his eyes and sighed. He somehow gets his friends. Ron has been making his best friend happy, compared to the past guys that Demi has dated. They were mostly gits, according to him. And the ginger did help him in beating up Malfoy. "Alright. But if you hurt her..." he moved his pointing finger from left to right in front of his neck, drawing a horizontal line. "You're dead. I mean it Weasley, don't you dare test me."

Ron nodded.

"Four butterbears please!" Kris exclaimed.

Demi grimaced. "Guys, we're on a date, can't you just leave?"

That Redhead - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now